Chapter Two

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Myrtle held Flint and Dawn's hand as they walked on either side of her while she walked behind Primrose and Katniss while other people walked to the square for this years Hunger Games to see who would be reaped this year and to watch the propaganda video describing the Dark Days and origin of the Hunger Games.

Myrtle took notice of the peacekeepers as she walked with her brother and sister and she saw the kids and teenagers in the lineup.

Primrose stopped walking causing Katniss to also stop walking to take Primrose aside. Myrtle also stopped walking. Go find mom, Myrtle told Flint and Dawn. No, Flint and Dawn cried, as they held onto her legs. I'll see you both soon, Myrtle assured them. Their mom walked towards them.

Flint, Dawn, come on, Their mom spoke up. Flint and Dawn soon followed their mom as Myrtle watched them walk away. Myrtle turned to watch as Katniss was comforting Primrose, who looked fearful and sad. 

Myrtle understood what Primrose was feeling, while she herself was doing her best to hide her fear of being reaped because just like Primrose, she was also twelve years old which also meant this was the first year either of their names could also be reaped.

Soon Myrtle stood Behind Primrose in line then Primrose was called up next by the woman. Primrose walked up and put her arm out to which the woman grabbed her hand and turned her hand over to prick her finger to draw her blood and to have Primrose put her now bloody finger on the piece of paper and scanned it with her device. Go ahead, the woman told Primrose. Primrose walked away. Next, the woman called out.

Myrtle walked forward and as she expected when she put her arm out the woman grabbed her hand and turned her hand over as she used the device to prick Myrtle's finger and draw her blood. It did hurt a little bit. Myrtle pressed her bloody finger on the piece of paper and watched as the woman scanned it with her device. Go ahead, next, the woman called out.

Myrtle walked away and toward the crowd of kids and looked for Primrose. She soon found Primrose and walked up to stand beside her. How are you doing Primrose? Myrtle asked her. I'm scared Myrtle, Primrose responded. I know the feeling, Myrtle told Primrose. You might also never be reaped, She added, trying to comfort  Primrose with her words.

Anyway Primrose you look pretty as usual, when this is over we can hang out together, and with my dog and your cat, Myrtle finished saying. Later if neither of us get reaped, I wish I was pretty like Katniss Primrose told Myrtle.

Well I believe you are more pretty than Katniss and you will only become more beautiful when you are older, be happy with how you look and be more confident with yourself, ,Myrtle told Primrose. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, Effie spoke. Myrtle and Primrose snapped their focus on Effie.

Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor, now before we begin we have a very special film brought to you all the way from the capitol, Effie announced. On the screen the film began to play. Primrose and Myrtle held each other's hands as the watched the film. 

Finally the film ended, Myrtle thought to herself once the film was over. I just love that, now the time has come for us to select one courageous young man and woman for the honor of representing  District 12 in the 74th Hunger Games, As usual ladies first, ladies first, Effie said.

Myrtle was angry of how happy Effie was with the Hunger Games for so many reasons. Effie walked over to pick a name. I just hope at least Primrose, Katniss and I don't end up getting reaped, Myrtle thought to herself. Effie picked out a piece of paper and walked back to the microphone and opened the piece of paper.

Primrose Everdeen, Effie announced. No not her, Myrtle thought to herself. Come on up, come on up, Effie told Primrose. Primrose let go of Myrtle's hand. I might not get another chance to tell you but I have a crush on you Myrtle, Primrose told Myrtle. Myrtle watched as Primrose slowly walked away. Tears came out of Myrtle's eyes at Primrose's confession. I can't lose Primrose, I've already lost my dad, I might also lose my siblings in the future, I don't want to watch Primrose getting killed, I might never get to tell her than I like her back, us being a couple may never happen, Myrtle thought to herself.

Myrtle soon followed after Primrose but stopped once she heard Katniss. Prim, Katniss shouted. Primrose was by the peacekeepers and turned around to face Katniss. Myrtle watched as Katniss began waking forward only for the two peacekeepers to get in Katniss's way and to stop her from reaching Primrose. No, No, I volunteer, I volunteer, Katniss shouted. Katniss struggled with the two peacekeepers and got past them. I volunteer as tribute, Katniss announced.

I believe we have a volunteer, Effie said. Katniss walked up to Primrose and they hugged each other then Katniss pulled away. You need to go find mom, Katniss told Primrose. No, Primrose cried. Go find mom, Katniss told Primrose. No, Primrose cried. Go find mom right now, Katniss told Primrose. No, Primrose cried. I'm so sorry, Katniss told Primrose. No, Primrose cried. Gale walked up the Primrose, picked her up over his shoulder and walked away. Primrose continued screaming the word "no".

Katniss was escorted by the peacekeepers forward to the stage. Myrtle rushed towards Gale and Primrose. She finally reached them where Katniss and Primrose's mom was standing and pulled Primrose into a hug to comfort her.

Well I bet my hat that was your sister, Myrtle heard Effie say to Katniss. Wasn't it? Effie asked Katniss. Yes, Katniss responded. Lets have a very big hand for our very first volunteer, Katniss Everdeen, Effie announced. Effie began happily clapping her hands while still holding the paper. 

Myrtle like everyone else didn't clap. Instead like everyone else she kissed her fingers and did the three finger salute for Katniss. Myrtle was grateful for Katniss for volunteering for Primrose by taking her place in the Hunger Games and she was sure that Katniss would win based on her skills.

And now for the boys, Effie announced. Effie walked over to pick a boys name. Once Effie picked it and walked back to the microphone she announced the name Peeta Mellark. Myrtle watched as Peeta was led forward by the peacekeepers and as he walked up the stairs to the stage. Effie held onto Peeta and led him forward.

Katniss and Peeta shook each others hand. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor, Effie said. Effie led Katniss and Peeta away and the two peacekeepers closed the two doors behind them.

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