Chapter Four

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Do you think Katniss will win? Myrtle asked her mother. I'm not sure after all she is up against twenty three other tributes including Peeta and with Haymitch being the mentor of our district's tributes may or may or may not help, Lavender told her daughter.

I hate the hunger games and the Capitol, Myrtle told her mother. I do too, just look at what it did to Haymitch, he lost everyone he's ever loved and drinks a lot, Lavender told Myrtle. It is sad he has no one, Myrtle said. I believe he prefers it that way, Lavender told Myrtle.

I can't imagine ever losing any of you, Myrtle told her mom. Let's talk about something happier like how you and Primrose are finally together, Lavender told Myrtle. Mom how did you know, we haven't been on a date yet or kissed yet? Myrtle told her mom.

Primrose asked me about you yesterday, of you saw her as more than a friend or as just a friend, so I told her why not just confess to you when she chooses to, Lavender told Myrtle. Well Primrose and I are spending time together tomorrow, Myrtle told her mom.

Lavender smiled. Primrose is perfect for you and I know she'll continue to treat you well, at least I don't have to worry about either you you getting pregnant ,Lavender told Myrtle. I know since we can barely get food and drinks to survive with being in this poor district and I just don't want to have kids, Myrtle told her mom.

I completely understand since it's not east being a parent, Lavender told Myrtle. I know, you work so hard to care for us, Myrtle told her mom. It is also helpful with how you hunt and gather food, Lavender told Myrtle.

Because of Katniss and Gale I know how to hunt and set traps, Myrtle told her mom. I am grateful for them for teaching you that, it makes things a bit easier, Lavender told Myrtle. I know it does, it's still easy going days without food  since we are use to it, Myrtle told her mom.

The door opened and Flint, Dawn and Blue came in. Blue jumped on on Myrtle and lay across her lap. Myrtle began to pet Blue's head. Come play with us and Blue, Myrtle, Dawn said. Go on Myrtle, Lavender told Myrtle. Ok mom, Myrtle said. Myrtle moved Blue off and got up to follow Dawn and Flint outside with Blue following them.

Here, Dawn said. Dawn held out a stick for Myrtle to grab to throw for Blue. Myrtle took hold of the stick and threw it. Go get it Blue, Myrtle said. Blue took off running after the stick to throw to return to Myrtle so she would throw it again for Blue. Blue walked up to Myrtle and dropped the stick in front of her.

Myrtle picked up the stick and threw it and Blue chased after the stick. Can I sleep in your bed with you tonight Myrtle? Dawn questioned Myrtle. Of course you can, Myrtle told Dawn. Can I stay with you too tonight Myrtle? Flint asked. Yes you can, Myrtle told Flint.

Blue dropped the stick in from of Myrtle. Flint picked it up and threw the stick in a different direction causing Blue to chase after the stick. I'm throwing the stick next, Dawn announced. Blue ran back to them and dropped the stick in front of them. Dawn picked up the stick and threw it forward then they watched Blue chase after the stick.

This game never gets old with Blue, Myrtle said. I know right, Dawn agreed. Exactly this game never gets boring, Flint agreed. Can we go swimming tomorrow Myrtle? Dawn asked Myrtle. Of course but first I have to talk with Primrose, Myrtle told Dawn. Dawn and Flint both smiled. When's the wedding? Dawn and Flint both questioned Myrtle. 

Primrose and I are only twelve years old and we aren't getting married since I don't know what the future holds for any of us, Myrtle answered. We understand, Dawn and Flint both told Myrtle. Blue returned and dropped the stick. Myrtle picked it up and threw it and watched smiling while Blue chase after the stick.

Author's Note

What do you guys think of Myrtle's mom being supportive of her daughter being in a same sex relationship and being child free? What's your thoughts on Myrtle's relationship with her siblings?

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