Chapter Twelve

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Myrtle lay awake with her eyes open on her back and could see the sun rising up. Primrose suddenly screamed which made Myrtle jump in fright. Primrose! Myrtle said. Myrtle turned to face Primrose and saw her crying.

She shook Primrose awake. You're OK Primrose, What was you're nightmare about? Myrtle questioned her. Primrose hugged Myrtle tightly and cried. Myrtle returned the hug to comfort her. 

I saw Katniss get killed by a blonde female tribute, Primrose told Myrtle. it's alright, it was just a nightmare, Myrtle told her. I'm scared for my sister's life, Primrose told Myrtle. I am too and I'm also here for you when you need me, Myrtle told Primrose. 

Primrose eventually calmed down and ended the hug to wipe her tears away. Are you going to be ok? Myrtle asked Primrose. Since I have to back home today, Myrtle added. I'll be ok, Primrose replied. That's good to know, I'll visit tomorrow, Myrtle told Primrose.  Buttercup got up and lay on Primrose and rubbed against her hand.

Myrtle watched as Primrose began petting him while he purred loud enough for Myrtle to hear as she was walking out the room to head back home.

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Myrtle arrived home and Blue jumped up on her happily welcoming her back. I missed you too Blue, Myrtle told Blue while petting her. Blue licked her face a few times and jumped down and ran in circles around her. Myrtle joined her mom and siblings on the couch and watched the hunger games.

The woods was on fire and Katniss was running for her life. Seeing this horrified Myrtle. I hope she makes it out of that alive, Myrtle told her family. A fire ball was flying towards Katniss and Katniss amped sideways to dodge it then she got up to continue running. I really hate those game makers, Myrtle added.

Another fireball flew at Katniss which thankfully missed hitting her. Myrtle and her family continued watching Katniss running and a tree on fire fell down blocking Katniss's path which forced her to run in a different direction. 

Another fireball flew towards Katniss and hit a giant rock and Katniss fell backwards on the ground. Katniss moved backwards and a burn was revealed to be on her leg. Katniss looked in pain and as she held her hand near the burn on her leg her hand shock in pain.

Her injury is going to make it harder on her to survive and win this, Myrle thought to herself. Myrtle watched as another fire ball flew towards Katniss forcing her to roll out the way and rolling down a hill. 

Katniss was now running through the woods and eventually made it to water which she relaxed in for a few moments until two female tributes and two male tributes and Peeta making it three male tributes appeared. Katniss hurried to make her escape while they chased after her to kill her.

Katniss ran through the woods then made it to trees, looked around and then chose to climb up one tree, eventually they reached her as Katniss was still climbing up the tree. The tributes were each talking while the blond male tribute climbed up after Katniss. Once he grabbed a bad branch he fell back to the ground.

Myrtle laughed to herself at him until the female belong haired tribute pulled out her bow and arrow, aimed at Katniss and missed her. The blind haired male tribute then took and bow and arrow from the girl and fired a shot at Katniss missing her too.

I don't see how Katniss is going to survive this but I really hope that she does for her family and us, Myrtle told her family. I hope she wins so then we'll finally have a winner after so long, Lavender told her kids.

Katniss pulled herself up to sit down on a branch and poured the water in her water bottle on her burned leg and her hand shook as she put her hand on her burn. Myrtle saw how in pain Katniss by the look on her face and Myrtle felt bad for her. 

I'll be very angry at Haymitch if he does nothing to help Katniss, Lavender said. If or when you tell Haymitch off for not being helpful can I watch you curse him out? Myrtle questioned her mom. No, Lavender answered Myrtle. Oh ok, Myrtle said disappointed.

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