Chapter Twenty Two

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You managed to hold your breath for thirty one seconds, maybe one day you'll beat me at holding your breath longer than me, Myrtle told Primrose. I hope so, if neither is get reaped for the hunger games, Primrose told Myrtle.

Well, all we can do now is hope that neither us us gets reaped because of the chances of not surviving, Myrtle told Primrose.

So, how is Katniss doing since she came back? You don't think she'll turn out to be like Haymitch right?, Myrtle questioned Primrose. I can see she changed a bit, I hope she don't turn out like Haymitch has, Primrose replied.

I'll see how she's doing later on today since she and I will be hanging out, that is if she chooses to tell me anything on how she's feeling or what she's thinking, Myrtle told Primrose.

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So, how have you been doing since you got back since I also saw what you went through and how you lost your friend Rue, Myrtle questioned Katniss. I'm doing okay, I still mourn her death, Katniss answered Myrtle. 

Her death was the saddest of this year's hunger games since she was the youngest after all, it was kind of you do do that for her with those flowers you gathered, Myrtle told Katinss. 

I figured she deserved that type of funeral before that took away her body to show her life and death meant something, to make her an example because the Capitol enjoys watching kids die, that's the most I could have done for her, Katniss told Myrtle.

Have you spoken with Peeta since almost everyone believe the two of you are a couple? Myrtle questioned Katniss. No, I haven't spoken with Peeta yet, Katniss answered Myrtle. 

How are you liking and adjusting to now living in Victor's village? Myrtle questioned Katniss. Our new house is nice and it's also a constant reminder of why I and my family live there now even though we are living better because I'm a victor and we have money and a constant supply of food, Katniss answered Myrtle.

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