Chapter Three

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Myrtle rushed to the house where the Everdeen family lived to visit Katniss before she had to leave to the Capitol to get ready to be in the hunger games. She couldn't help but worry and fear for Katniss and not knowing if she would be killed in the hunger games or survive.

Myrtle finally reached the house and let herself in. She saw Gale and a peacekeeper and knew that Primrose and their mother were in the room with Katniss in which might be the last moment they had with her.

The peacekeeper moved toward the door, opened it and walked inside. Prim it's ok, Prim it's ok, Myrtle heard Katniss tell Primrose. No, no, Primrose cried. I promise Prim, Katniss finished. The peacekeeper came out holding onto both Primrose and her mother leading them out the room.

Finally it was Myrtle and Gale's turn to see Katniss. They both entered the room Katniss was in while the door shut behind them. Gale and Myrtle both hugged Katniss. I'm fine, Katniss told them. Yeah I know, Gale told Katniss. I hope so, Myrtle told Katniss. I am, Katniss told them. Myrtle and Gale ended the hug with Katniss.

Listen to me you're stronger than they are, you are, get to a bow, Gale told Katniss. They may not have a bow, Katniss began. They will if you show them how good you are, Gale interrupted Katniss. They just want a good show, that's all they want, if they don't have a bow then you make one, ok you know how to hunt, Gale told Katniss. Exactly, Myrtle told Katniss. Animals, Katniss told them.

It's no different Katniss, Gale told her. There's twenty four of us Gale and Myrtle and only one comes out, Katniss told them. And it's gonna be you, Gale told Katniss and he held the back of her neck. I believe you can win Katniss, Myrtle said.

The door opened. Ok, the peacekeeper said. Take care of them gale, whatever you do don't let them starve, Katniss told Gale. Gale, Myrtle and Katniss hugged again before letting go. Let's go, the peacekeeper told them. I'll see you soon ok, Gale told Katniss. I'll see you soon, Myrtle told Katniss. Myrtle be there for Prim , she'll need you, Katniss told Myrtle. I will, Myrtle told Katniss. The peacekeeper led Myrtle and Gale out the room.

After Katniss had to leave, Myrtle stayed for Primrose to comfort her. Primrose's cat Buttercup lay on Primrose's lap while Primrose pet him. Myrtle used the sleeve of her shirt to help wipe away Primrose's tears. It'll be ok Primrose, Katniss will win, she's great at using the bow and arrow, Myrtle told Primrose.

I'm still scared my sister won't survive this, Primrose told Myrtle. Myrtle pulled Primrose in for a side hug. I understand, I fear the same happening to my brother or sister in the future especially If I can't volunteer for them or you you because I would volunteer for you too, I would have if Katniss didn't beat me to it first, Myrtle told Primrose. 

I don't want to lose you, Primrose told Myrtle. You won't because I have learned a lot from Katniss and Gale, I'm sure I would survive the hunger games, Myrtle told Primrose. Also I have a crush on you too Myrtle told Primrose. How long? Primrose asked Myrtle.

Ever since Buttercup I saw how caring you are with him and how you'll be a great healer someday however I didn't want to risk ruining our friendship so I kept my feelings a secret, Myrtle told Primrose. I was afraid to ruin our friendship until today, I was afraid I wouldn't get another chance to tell you, Primrose told Myrtle.

So how long have you had a crush on me? Myrtle asked Primrose. The day we met on our first day of school, Primrose responded. Myrtle smiled and leaned in and kissed Primrose's check then pulled back. I'll see you tomorrow ok, myrtle said. Yeah tomorrow, Primrose replied. Myrtle got up to head back home feeling excited for the next day to see Primrose again but still worrying for Katniss and also Peeta even thought it was Katniss who she was hoping would survive for the sake of Primrose and their mother also Gale and Myrtle herself.

Author's Note: 

what do you guys think of this being a fast burn romance? Updates will be up every week.

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