Chapter Fourteen

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Come on Primrose, can't you run faster than that? Myrtle questioned her, as she was running through the woods. I'm not as fast at running as you are, Primrose answered Myrtle. Should I slow down so you can catch up with me? Myrtle questioned Primrose. 

It's fine, Primrose answered Myrtle. Alright, Myrtle replied. Primrose struggled to run faster to catch up with Myrtle. Myrtle reached one of the trees with branches and began climbing up. Primrose finally caught up to Myrtle and climbed up the tree behind Myrtle.

Once Myrtle got high up enough on the tree she hung upside down on the branch. Please be carful with hanging upside down Myrtle, Primrose told Myrtle. I always am carful and if I ever do fall and break any bones I know you're mom will help me heal and I hope I never do end up falling off a tree, Myrtle replied.

I hope not either because I don't want to see you ever hurt, Primrose told Myrtle. Myrtle felt flattered by Primrose's words. There's no need for you to worry after all I'm always careful and so far noting bad has happened to me and I appreciate that you are concerned about me, I would be concerned about you too if you were hanging upside down on a tree, Myrtle told Primrose.

It is interesting to see how things look while being upside down, why don't you try it? Myrtle questioned Primrose. I'd rather not, Primrose answered Myrtle. That's ok, I get that it looks scary Myrtle told Primrose.

Myrtle finally pulled herself up to sit on the branch and lean against the tree while she looked over at Primrose who was sitting on the other side on a different branch. Myrtle decided to move other to sit beside Primrose.

Would you be interested in learning how to hunt animals and how to use a snare and a bow? Myrtle questioned Primrose. No, I just can't imagine ever harming and killing an animal, Primrose answered Myrtle. I understand, Myrtle told Primrose.

I know it's in her nature to never want to learn to hunt and kill or harm any animal and to instead help heal them because she's just that caring and I like that about her, Myrtle thought to herself.

Anyway do know you want to learn how long you can go without breathing under water the day after Katniss returns or after the hunger games is over since My family and I will be watching to see if Katniss wins? Myrtle questioned Primrose.

After or if Katniss wins and returns then we'll go the next day, Primrose agreed. I can't wait until this years hunger games are over and that Katniss wins, Primrose told Myrtle. Same here, Myrtle said.

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Hey mom, is Katniss still alive? Myrtle asked her mom once she arrived home. Yes, however she fell unconscious due to being stun by a few tracker jackers since she cur down a branch that had a nest of them and only that female blonde haired tribute was killed, Peeta told Katniss to run, and Rue from district 11 dragged Katniss to safety, lavender answered Myrtle.

I'm so glad Katniss is still alive, hopefully she'll wake up soon and I also hope no tribute finds her and kills her, Myrtle said. Have you and Primrose had your first kiss yet? Lavender teased Myrtle. No, not yet mom and I'll tell you when Primrose and I have our first kiss, Myrtle replied.

At least I don't have to give you the talk about sex because neither of you can get the other pregnant but wait until you're both older first, Lavender told Myrtle. Mom! Myrtle exclaimed. Lavender burst out laughing at the look on Myrtle's face.

I'm just telling you because my mom and dad had me when they was thirteen, Lavender told Myrtle. That's really Young to have a kid, Myrtle said. I know it is, Lavender told Myrtle. I'm glad I don't have to worry about getting pregnant when I eventually have sex with Primrose because I don't ever want to get pregnant and have kids, Myrtle told her mom. 

I fully understand, pregnancy isn't easy and giving birth is painful and as you know it isn't easy raising kids, Lavender told Myrtle. I know you often lose sleep because of us and how hard you work but once Dawn, Flint and I are adults we'll have our own jobs, Myrtle told her mom.

What job do you want when you're older, Lavender questioned Myrtle. I don't know yet however I'll figure what job I want when I'm older, that is if I don't end up in the hunger games and don't get killed, Myrtle replied.

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