Chapter Seven

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Myrtle and Primrose each held their own towel and extra clothing finally arrived to the lake while Blue was walking beside Myrtle holding the stick in his mouth and wagging his tail. Blue dropped the stick in her mouth and ran towards the water and once she was deep enough she began swimming. Of course Blue prefers swimming over playing fetch every time I bring her here, Myrtle told Primrose.

Myrtle and Primrose watched Blue as she was swimming. Let's head in the water now, Myrtle said. Myrtle and Primrose set down their towels and extra clothing on the ground. They both walked into the lake and soon got deep enough where their feet could no longer touch the ground.

Myrtle and Primrose easily stayed afloat by using their arms while facing each other while Myrtle looked into Primrose's hazel eyes. Out of the corner of Myrtle's eye she saw Blue swimming. Don't you just love swimming. Myrtle asked Primrose. Yes I do, Primrose replied.

What about swimming underwater? Myrtle asked Primrose. That's fun too, Primrose told Myrtle. We can do that next time when Blue isn't also here because the last time I swam underwater and came back up Blue was freaking out and trying to get me back to land, Myrtle told primrose.

Tomorrow we can come back here without blue and do that, Primrose told Myrtle. It'll be fun swimming underwater until we both need to come back up to the surface for air, Myrtle told Primrose. 

Come on, lets start swimming now, Myrtle said. Myrtle then began swimming and Primrose followed swimming beside her. Myrtle enjoyed swimming through the water and her second date with Primrose.

Myrtle and Primrose finally reached the middle of the lake and stopped. Myrtle decided to float on her back and swim backwards then Primrose did the same. I'm having a great time, Primrose told Myrtle. I'm happy to know that, Myrtle told Primrose.

Blue swam up to Myrtle so she moved where she was standing upright as she were on ground while moving her arms and legs back and forth to stay afloat. Myrtle reached out towards Blue and pet her on the head. 

Blue took off swimming away enjoying herself which made Myrtle and Primrose smile. I love seeing Blue happy and enjoying herself, Myrtle told Primrose. Me too, Primrose told Myrtle. To have some more fun Myrtle decided to slaps water at Primrose's face causing Primrose to gasp in surprise.

Myrtle burst out laughing at Primrose's reaction until Primrose splashed her back in the face with the water. Myrtle gasped as the water hit her face then Primrose burst out laughing. Myrtle splashed her back which then turned into a playfight as they splashed water at each other.

Blue barking interrupted their playfight. Myrtle and Primrose stopped and turned to look at Blue swimming toward them still barking. Blue thinks that we're actually fighting, Myrtle told Primrose. It's ok Blue we aren't actually fighting with each other, we're just playing, Myrtle told Blue.

Myrtle and Primrose both pet Blue to calm her down which stopped her barking. Blue licked both Myrtle and Primrose's faces. Blue even hates when my siblings and I play fight with each other, Myrtle told Primrose.

Finally Myrtle and Primrose were done swimming and ready to head back home so they swam back to land. Come on Blue, it's time for us to go home now, Myrtle called out to Blue. Blue looked towards Myrtle and looked away and continued swimming. Come on here Blue, Myrtle called out a second time.

Blue still ignored Myrtle and continued swimming away. You stubborn girl, Myrtle said. Primrose laughed. This happens every time since Blue loves swimming this much, Myrtle told Primrose. I can see that, Primrose told Myrtle. Myrtle picked up Blue's stick and waved it around.

Here Blue, do you want to play fetch? Myrtle asked Blue. Blue looked at Myrtle and looked away again to continue swimming. This is going to take a while until she tires herself out and then she'll come out the water, Myrtle told Primrose. 

It's ok, I'll stay here with you until Blue comes out and until I get home, Primrose told Myrtle. Are you sure? Because I don't know how long this is going to take, Myrtle told Primrose. I'm sure, Primrose replied. Alright, Myrtle agreed.

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