Moving In

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Katsumi POV:

About a day passed since the attack on the USJ and Deku finally coming to terms with Bendy, Boris and Alice. The four didn't do much other than just sit and talk, but they were given free roam as opposed to being locked up in the nerds skull. It kinda sucked that they didn't do much other than this, but baby steps. Rome wasn't built in a day or some shit. A knock came on the door shortly after for the hag to answer it.

"Hello Mrs. Bakugou. We came here to talk about a new addition to the school that we do need authorization from all the students to do." Mr. Aizawa walked in with All Might in his buff form to notice me and Deku at the breakfast bar eating. "Bakugou. Midoriya. You mind coming over here to talk with us for a few minutes?"

"Uhh. Sure." We walk over with the hag and the old man sitting on the outside of us.

"To make things simple, UA has decided to turn into a live-in campus with us needing the authorization of all the parents to do so. Since both of you are the legal guardians of both Midoriya and Bakugou, we'd need you both to agree for them."

"Fuck yeah! Put the brat in a dorm!" The hag started to smack my head for me to start getting pissed.



"BRING IT!" We began our normal acts for both our teachers to be panicking a bit if this is how we normally act. Deku started to make a banjo to play while we did this to add a little music to our endeavors with Boris clapping along and tapping his foot.

"Is this a normal thing among you all?"

Deku finished his playing before looking at Mr. Aizawa. "Enough."

After we had our little quarrel, we paid attention to our teachers. "To be honest, I'm surprised you're so calm about this. Midoriya wasn't in a good state and your daughter was actually attacked."

"To be entirely honest, I'm more scared for Izuku. But since going to UA, it's somewhat helped him gain friends and open up again. I understand I'm putting a huge risk into letting him stay somewhere, but I know that Katsumi and the rest of UA will make sure Izuku won't get into any trouble." The hag moved over me to rub Deku's head to make him smile.

"Very well." The two teachers got up and started heading to the door. "Thank you for your time and cooperation in this. Starting this afternoon, we'd like the two of them to start heading over to the school with their belongings."

"THEY'RE DONE THAT QUICK!?" All of us shouted with amazement before the door opens.

"To be frank, this dorm system was in thought for a while by Nezu and right now was a perfectly good reason to take the final steps." The two left with me and Deku hopping up to head to our rooms and pack.

'Talk about a last minute decision.'

Later that afternoon, Izuku POV:

After packing with me and Kaachan being lucky enough to get everything before we had to head out, we were met in front of the campus by Mr. Aizawa who led us to the dorms we were going to be living in. "Starting today, this will be your new home until the end of your time in UA. To make some rules simple, the first floor is shared space between both boys and girls. On the second to fifth floor, the dorms are cut with the girls being on the left side and the boys being on the right."

We walked in to see a massive area with Bendy jumping out of me to see the area. "HOLY COW THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!"

"I live in a mansion!" Uraraka started to fall over with Boris helping her from hitting the floor.

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