Chapter 2: First day of school

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Emma's POV


Mason Jennings had a girlfriend. And it wasn't me.

I didn't sleep. I couldn't. I stared at my ceiling through tears, wondering who I was up against.

"Emma, time for school! Breakfast is on the table." My dad called out.

Had I slept? It sure didn't feel like it. My bones seemed to throb beneath my skin.

Get it together, Emma. You're stronger than this.

There was one saving grace. I had the perfect outfit all ready for my first day of senior year.

I'd never owned anything like it. When I'd plucked it off the rack at Nordstorm, I'd assumed it would be impossibly expensive, but...


"Ninety percent off! Holy s--" 

"It's like it was tailor-made just for you. It would be criminal if you didn't buy it." The Salesgirl said.

"Really? I wouldn't want to break the law..." I said.

-end of flashback-

I shimmied the crop top on and admired my reflection in the mirror.

"Not bad." I said smiling.

I was in battle armor now. Ready to head to school and face Mason... and his girlfriend.


"Nice clothes, sis. I didn't think you had it in you." My sister, Mackenzie, said as I entered the kitchen.

"You've got to be kidding me. Go upstairs and change. Now." My dad said.

"Dad, let me make my own choices." 

"Normally, that would be my preference too. So let's reintroduce the concept of free will one you've proven you'll use it responsibly." He said.

"..." I stay silence.

"Do you have something to add?" My father asks.

"Forget it. Yes, sir." I respond sadly.

"I guess I'm not making much of an impression today." I said to myself, as I went up to my room.

I'd never been the kind of girl to go against my father's wishes. Even if it meant dressing like a soccer mom.


"Much better." My dad smiled.

As I sullenly dug into my bowl of cereal, his pager went off.

"Emergency appendectomy. They need me there ASAP. Emma, can you--"

"Don't worry, Mack and I already have rides. I figured something like this would--"

Before I can even finish my sentence, he was out the door.

"Cool mom jeans. All ready for the library bake sale?" Mackenzie asks.

"No wonder I'm still single." I said sadly.

For the first time that morning, Mackenzie shot me a look of genuine empathy.

"Hey, Emma... if you wanted to change back into that other outfit... I wouldn't narc on you." She responds.

"Well, if Dad will never know..." I said, going up to my room.

When I returned to the living room in my new clothes, Mack let out a low wolf whistle.

"Okay... I have to admit, you look actually kind of hot." She said with a smile.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Thin walls." She said.

Before I could respond, the sound of a car horn broke the silence.

"Sounds like your BFF is here."

Outside, I spotted my best friend waiting for me in her car, singing along as she blared Shawn Mendes at top volume.

Ava Lawrence had been my best friend since we'd made cheer squad together in freshman year. She'd has my back through every up and down of high school. Every big and little drama. Except when it came to my feelings for Mason... That was a secret that even she didn't know. 

"Okay, first... great to see you. Second, are you trying to seduce me or something? That crop top. Is. Hot." She joked.

"I was trying to impress everyone in general. Guess you got caught in the collateral damage. I said.

"No kidding. I'm a distracted driver with you sitting there looking like that." 

"You don't look to shabby yourself. Are those new boots I see?" I asked.

"Oh, I got these old things in June! Clearly, we've got a lot to catch on.. To start off, don't worry. You spot on the cheer squad is rock solid. regardless of what Lauren has to say." She said.

"So I'm still vice-captain?" I ask.

"It was never in doubt. Now, as for everything else... what do you want to know?" She asks.

"Tell me about... who everyone is dating!"

"Let's see. Lauren dated Adam, Todd, and then Adam again."

"Are they still together?" I ask.

"I think she might give Todd another try. Or go back to the single life. Want a list of people who lost their V-card this summer? Actually, never mind. I'll text you the whole thing later. I'm assuming that didn't happen for you in the middle of Wyoming. You know what, don't answer that. I can tell. Best friend ESP." She states.

"Let's just say I'm saving myself for someone here in town..." I said.

"Now there's some hot gossip. And I assume I'll get the full rundown later." 

"What else did I miss?" I ask.

"Oh... there is one minor thing. Just an itsy-bitsy bit of personal new."


As we pulled up to the school's parking lot, my pulse quickened. Suddenly, it was as if I knew what she was about the tell me. 
Ava killed the engine and jumped out of the car door... where he was waiting for her.

"Hey, beautiful." Mason greets.

She leaned into his body, her hands sliding around his waist beneath his Letterman jacket.

"What's the matter? Don't you have a kiss for your girlfriend?" Ava said, as she smiled at him.

He pulled her toward him. And just like that... they were kissing.

"You mean your new girlfriend is... And your new boyfriend is..." I started.

My words hung stupidly in the air, answered only by smiles.

...It was true. My best friend and the love of my life were dating each other..And I was caught right in the middle.


Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did, don't forget to leave a vote!

Q.O.T.D: What's your favorite color?

My answer: Galaxy😋

I love you guys!!❤️

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