Chapter 14: Just Missed It

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Emma's POV


I spent so much of my childhood with Mason, it's hard to remember what my life was like before I met him.

He'd been a steady presence during so many happy moments... Like the time when we excavated my family's attic.


"Emma, there's so much stuff here. There's gotta be treasure hidden somewhere..." Mason said.  

"Nah, I'd know if my family had any treasure. We'd live in a huge mansion, and I'd have a pony." I stated.

"But what if there's something valuable and you just didn't realize it?" He asked.

I didn't know at the time just right he was.

We rummaged through trunks and boxes, admiring old clothes and trinkets. Then I found something that caught my attention...

An old Polaroid camera.

I wonder if it was Mom's?

"Take my photo! Wait, no, let's take a photo together."

Mason put his arm around me, and I set the camera on a stool so it was facing us.

"Say cheese!"

I planted a peck on Mason's cheek.


The picture printed out, and as it developed, Mason blushed.

"I wasn't expecting you to..."

"Just what are you two up to?" My mother asked cutting Mason off.

Mom had climbed up into the attic without me noticing. I brandished the camera.

"Look at what we found!" I said showing her the camera.

"Oh, I used to carry that thing around everywhere! I'm glad you kids are putting it to good use." She said.

"I didn't know you liked photography, Mrs. Price." Mason said.

"I wasn't just a cheerleader back in the day! I scrap-booked, painted... I even did tarot readings. You'll never believe this, but the cards actually predicted my marriage to your dad." Mom remarked, smiling.

"Really? You can actually see what's going to happen in the future?" I asked shocked.

"Can you read our fortunes? What'll happen to Emma and me?" Mason asked.

"I could look for my old cards in here... But you'll have to be prepared for whatever they say." Mom responded.

"Emma, aren't you curious what'll happen to us when we grow up?" Mason asked.

"Yeah, let's read our fortunes!"

After rummaging through some old boxes, Mom found her cards and spread them out on a chest. Mason and I watched, wide-eyed.

"Can the cards tell me who I'm going to marry? Or where I'm going to live?" I asked.

"No, the cards aren't that specific. They reveal much broader patterns that will emerge during your life." Mom said.

"Aww. Then what's the point?" I questioned.

"Well, life wouldn't be any fun if you knew exactly what was going to happen, would it? But since you're so eager, I'll read yours first."

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