Chapter 15: Hidden Depths

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Emma's POV


I knew Mason and Noah had a history. That much was clear.

But I had no idea it would make even the most innocuous situations uncomfortable.

Especially when it involved me.


I scarcely dared to breathe as Mason glowered at Noah through the window...

"What the hell is Noah doing here? He's not bothering you, is he?" Mason asked.

"No, he's not bothering me at all!"

"Everything okay in there?" Noah asked.

"Does Mr. Price know you're out here?" Mason asked sharply.

"Believe it or not, he does. I told him I'd wait until Emma got back." Noah said.

"Mason, what do you have against Noah?" I asked.

"You know his history, Emma. I'm just looking out for you." He said.

"I know you are, but this seems a little excessive."

Mason glared at Noah through the windshield for what felt like an eternity...

"Okay. if you say he's not bothering you, I trust you. But if you need anything, anything at all... I'll come running." Mason said.

"I'll be fine. Good night, Mason."

Mason gave Noah one last long look before driving away.

"Sorry about that. I hope Mason didn't make you feel so unwelcome." I apologized.

"I could say the same to you. Looked like things got a bit intense in there." Noah said.

"Don't worry about it. Now... to what do I owe a visit from the elusive Noah Harris?" I asked.

"I know that  stuff about tutoring me in history was just a ruse, but..."

Noah scratched the back of his head, looking a bit sheepish.

"The best lies come with a grain of truth. I actually could  use a little help before my test next week." He admitted.

"You want me to tutor you for real?! Looks like you just can't get enough of me." I smirked.

"It might have something to do with that. But... I missed a lot over the past couple years. Staying on the team is my top priority, so I need to pass."

"Oh, you'll pass... even if it kills both of us.  Let's get started." I smiled.


As we began studying, I was surprised to find he was a great student. He was sharp as a knife when he put his mind to it.

"So, when did the second Punic War take place?" I asked.

"Easy. 218 to 201 BCE." He said. "Even though Hannibal lost the war, getting his whole army across the Alps to surprise the Romans was tactical genius." He added grinning.

"Nice, you went above and beyond the answer! Sounds like Roman history is really clicking with you." I beamed.

"For now. I'm starting to feel a little drowsy, though..."

"I can't have you falling asleep on me halfway through the collapse of the Roman Republic." I laughed.

"Seeing as this might be an all-nighter, we could take a quick coffee break. I know just the place." He said.

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