Chapter 8: The Knives Are Out

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Emma's POV


There I was, outside the principal's office like one of those troublemakers people spread rumors about.

If that wasn't bad enough, Principal Jennings was Mason's father. And he knew my dad. Personally.

If this went the wrong way, I'd be toast. But at least I wasn't alone in there...

"I can't believe it. I simply can't believe it, Ms. Price." Mrs. Applegate said. 

"Me neither." I respond. 

"Principal Jennings is not going to believe this, either. Coming from such a good girl..." Mrs. Applegate stated. "But you, Mr. Harris... That I can believe."

"At least you believe in something." Noah said dryly. 

"I'll hear no back talk from you, young man! You've done enough to corrupt Ms. Price already." She angrily said. 

"Corrupt me? I make my own decisions." I said. 

"You're not helping your case, Ms. Price." She stated. 

"It was just lunch off campus. It's not like someone got murdered." Noah shrugged. 

"Yet. Just wait until my dad finds out about this..." I sadly said. 

I leaned back into my seat with a groan as Mrs. Applegate finally turned her attention away from us.

"You really think your dad will care that much?"  Noah asked.

"My dad holds me up like some sort of goody two shoes daughter who never does anything wrong." I said.

"Guess I don't what it's like to disappoint people." He dryly shrugged. 

"Oh, like you're some kind of perfect angel." I smiled.

"That's not what I mean. They expect trouble from me already. My mom, that principal... the whole school." He said. "Hard to disappoint when the bar's so low, it's on the ground." He adds in.

Was Noah Harris... opening up to me?

"Noah... Who cares what they think?" I asked.

"Big talk coming from a girl about to get killed by her dad 'cause of what he thinks about her." He smiled.

"Okay, fair." I smiled.

That's when the security guard came in with something in his hand...

"I found this in his back pack." 

"Hey, give that back!" Noah yelled.

The security guard ignored him and dropped what he'd found on the desk as he left. Mrs. Applegate held it up for a better look.

A knife?

"You've always been bad news, Mr. Harris, but a weapon on school grounds? I can't believe it." Mrs. Applegate said.

"It's a pocket knife, not a weapon! It's got a screwdriver in it, for God's sake." Noah angrily yelled.

I'd never seen Noah this agitated before. There was something special about that pocket knife...

"I don't want to hear it." Mrs. Applegate said.

"Look. I'll take it home with me, alright? I won't bring it back. I promise." Noah sadly said.

"You're not taking this weapon anywhere." Mrs. Applegate angrily said, as she dropped the pocket knife inside a drawer.

"Don't let it get to you, Noah. They can't keep it forever." I comforted. 

My Two First Lovesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें