Chapter 3: The Dangerous One

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(Not an A/N⬇)

Stop me if you heard this one.

Some poor girl finds out that her best friend is dating the the boy she's loved for years. She reduced to a sobbing mess. More puddle than person. She retreats to her room, sniffling in bed for weeks. 

Yeah, I don't like that story either.


Emma's POV


"Mason is your... I mean, you and Mason are..."

"Madly in love with each other. Or you know. At least lust. We haven't said that other 'L' word." Ava said, finishing my sentence.

"I, uh, meant to tell you last night, Emma." Mason said.

"Mason, there's such a thing as texting, you know." I stated.

"I just thought in person would be better." He replied.

"I know I normally run my boyfriend choices by you first, but it's Mason! He already has your seal of approval." Ava said.

"I... I'm... speechless. Congrats you too..." I said with a fake smile.

"I almost forgot, Ava! I got something for you." Mason said.

I struggled to maintain my fake smile as Mason cheerfully handed Ava a thermos.

"Caramel macchiato?" Ava asks, shocked.

"With two shakes of cinnamon. Just how you like it." Mason said proudly.

"You remembered! Best boyfriend ever!" Ava cheered.

How long is this hell going to last? 
It's okay Emma.. you can do this, just keep it down.

"You guys are just so... perfect together." I said with fake smile again.   

"I knew you'd be happy for us! See, Mason?" Ava said.

"Looks like you were right. As usual." He responds.

"I should leave you alone for some... couple time. Catch you later!" I said, walking away.

As I tried to escape, Mason jogged to catch up with me.

  "There were so many times this summer when I tried to call you... to tell you... Emma, I just want to double check... Are you okay with this?" He asks.

Try to stay cool just a little bit longer.

"Of course. I am so happy for you." I said.

"You mean that? Thanks... Look, your happiness means a lot to me. if I thought that this thing with me and Ava was going to happen..."

"I'm stoked for you guys. Really, I should've suggested you get together years ago. I just... have to take care of some things right now. We'll talk more later, okay?" I said. 

"I'm going to hold you to that." He said.

Tears blurred my vision as I desperate started power-walking away, barely caring where I was headed.


I rounded a corner and with a start, realized I was behind the gym near a back parking lot I usually avoided.

"Hey there, princess. What brings you down to my place of business?" Darren asks.

"Your... what?" I asked, confused.

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