Chapter 20: Change of Pace

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This chapter is dedicated to @lilcinnamonroll8 for encouraging me not to give up if even though I felt like it. So if you ever feel like you wanna give up on your book, go to her, she'll give you some advice and encourage you❤️



Emma's POV


When I woke up the next morning, the previous night seemed like a blur. How had things gone from feeling so right to blowing up in my face?

I threw on my workout clothes and headed outside, even though I wasn't sure if Mason would show up.

And to be honest... I wasn't sure if I wanted him to. How could we possibly move forward from all the drama?

But my heart caught in my throat as I spotted him jogging toward me. I took a deep breath and joined him.

For a while, we just ran, not saying anything, not looking at each other. Finally, he spoke.

"So... how are you doing?"

"I'm... okay. How are you? I know a lot happened last night..." I said.

"Yeah. I'm still sorting through my feelings. You know how it is."

I glanced over at him. His face was stiff, but I could tell he was upset.

"Are you gonna tell me what's up with you and Noah?" He asked.

(A/N: Seriously, Mason, mind your own business! It's not that hard!!) 

"Mason, after yesterday, I'm not sure you even care. Your relationship practically imploded, and your biggest worry is still me talking to Noah?" I asked.

"I can't help it, Emma. I'll always care about you, and I don't want you getting hurt by someone like him." He said.

"But I haven't been getting hurt by him."

"Sorry, I don't mean to be pushy... I just wish things could go back to how things used to be."

"Are you sure that's what you want?" I asked.

"Yes... No... Maybe? All I know is that I don't trust myself right now. I need some time."

He may have just gone through a breakup and seen me kissing another guy yesterday... but part of me was still irrationally hurt he wasn't sure about me.

How could he be blind to something so obvious? Lost in my thoughts, I slipped on wet grass as we rounded a corner.



I collided with him before managing to break my fall on a guardrail. But Mason was knocked onto the lawn, where the sprinklers had gone off...

"Crap! You're soaked." I exclaimed. "Crashing into each other is really a recurring thing with us, huh? Sorry..." I apologized.

"No worries, we're pretty close to my house. I'll duck inside and grab a change of clothes."

Mason dashed into his house. A few minutes later, he emerged wearing a sweater I'd never seen before.

"So, I need a second opinion..."

"Wait, where did this come from? I know your wardrobe inside-out. This is new." I grinned.

"Actually, I brought it a while ago... but Ava hated it. Now's finally my chance to wear it. Anyway, I feel like I need a change. Post breakup and all." He smiled.

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