Chapter 7: Red-Handed

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Emma's POV


Ava played it cool after seeing me with Mason. She even invited me, Mason, and Lauren to sneak off campus for lunch the next day.

But I knew my best friend. And I knew that look she'd given me when she saw us together on the football field. Things definitely weren't cool.

If she wasn't already nervous that something was up between me and Mason, she definitely was now. But the thing that was really killing me?

She was right to be nervous.


"The coast is clear! C'mon!" Lauren semi-whispered.

"You sure this is a good idea? My dad will kill me if I get caught sneaking off campus!" I stated.

"See for yourself. The only thing the guard's watching is the playoffs on his phone." Ava smiled.

"NO! Please score, please score!" The security guard yelled.

"Looks safe to me. Let's go!" Mason said.

Ava, Lauren, Mason, and I snuck across across the school parking lot as the guard cursed at the screen.

"Everyone hurry and get in!" Ava whispered.

Mason got behind the wheel of his car, and without thinking, I took the passenger seat beside him. Ava peered at me through the window...

"Oh Ava, I call shotgun! You snooze, you lose." I joked.

"Then I call the driver!" She smiled.

"But... I'm already sitting in the driver's seat?" Mason said, confused.

"Pretty please?" Ava asked.

Perplexed, Mason moved to the last open seat in the back. The one right beside me, where we couldn't see each other. Maybe that was Ava's intention.

"Let's go." Ava said, starting the car.


At the restaurant, Ava slung Mason's arm around her shoulders and nuzzled against his chest like a hungry cat.

"How's your shoulder, baby?" Ava asked, smiling.

"Okay. Which is lucky... Noah got a good hit in on me." Mason replied.

"At least you got a private massage out of it. Play your cards right, and you just might get another one tonight." She smirked.

Was she trying to kill me?

"So, Emma, when are you planning to find a guy of your own to rub down?" She asked.

The pointed way she said 'of your own' cut straight through me.

"Oh, um... I dunno." I said looking away.

"Ava's right. It's a bad look for the squad when its own vice-captain can't get a boyfriend." Lauren said.

I wanted to scream from the top of my lungs;

"Shove it up your ass, Lauren!"

But... I didn't. I swallowed it with the next bite of my meal.

"Give her a break, she wasn't here all summer. And Lauren, you're one to talk. When's the last time someone asked you out?" Mason asked.

"None of your business. I could get with any guy I wanted in two seconds of I felt like it." She responds, angrily.

"So you just don't feel like it... is that it?" I asked.

"You want proof? That hottie behind the counter has been checking me out since we got here." She said, pointing to a direction. "Five little words in his ear and he'll be waiting for me in the stockroom with his shirt off."

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