Chapter 22: Trust Fall

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Emma's POV


Everything around me was changing.

My friendship with Ava was damaged possibly beyond repair.

And I'd have to somehow choose between two of the most important boys in my life.

But when you're free-falling from the top of a human pyramid, the rest of your problems don't matter much.

I hit the ground hard, and felt like my arm twist in a it was definitely not supposed to.


"The bigger they are, the harder they fall..." Lauren silently giggle.

"Everyone, break formation! Toni, go get help!" Ava yelled.

"On it." She responded back.

The rest of the cheerleaders formed a ring around me, blocking out the sun. My wrist hurt so bad, I couldn't think straight.

"Owwwww." I whined.

"Emma, the nurse is on the way! You're gonna be okay!" Ava's voice shook, and for a second, despite everything, my heart leapt. Deep down, she still cared about me after all.

Then a familiar face broke through the crowd...

"Stand back, give her some room!"

Noah knelt down beside me and very gently helped me sit up.

"Took a pretty big tumble there, cheer squad." He said.

Maybe I was delirious with pain, but being in his arms... it made me feel safe.

"Noah... Hold me tighter."

Noah raised his eyebrows, but he didn't object. Careful to avoid my wrist, he propped me up against his chest.

"Better?" He asked.

"A little."

"Your arm doesn't look too hot... Here, until you can get the nurse..."

Noah pulled off his football jersey, then tied it around my arm like a makeshift sling.

"This should help." He said.

My arm still throbbed with pain, but at least it was secure now. I breathed a sigh of relief...


"I want answer, cheerleaders. Who the hell dropped her?" Ava sharply asked.

"Nobody dropped her. She slipped. That's who you picked to be co-captain." Lauren said.

"Lauren, we both know I didn't fall off that pyramid. You dropped me." I angrily said.

"I did not. C'mon, we all saw! Emma's just clumsy."

"I dunno, Lauren. You were right above me, and I saw you move your hand away." Iris said.

"My hands were exactly where supposed to be. It's not my fault that Emma has terrible depth perception." She answered.

Ava jabbed a finger right in the middle of Lauren's chest.

"If that's all you have to say for yourself, Lauren, I'll drag you to the principal's office myself."

"And tell him what? This kind of thing happens in cheer all the time. If you can't handle it..."

I clenched my jaw. We didn't have any proof... but that didn't mean I'd let Lauren off the hook.

"What's wrong, Emma? Nothing to say?" She smirked.

The entire cheerleading team was wide-eyed, watching us.

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