Chapter 11: Good Girl, Bad Boy

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Emma's POV


I'd never ditched an important cheer event before... Let alone ditched to go to the nightclub.

Imagining a walk on the wild side with Noah made my heart race.

"So what time is this guy showing up?" Mackenzie asked.

"Any minute now. And I still don't know what to wear!" I whined.

"You're going to the club. You need to step up your game with something edgier. And I might have just the thing..."

She returned to my room with an ensemble midnight-black clothes slung over her arm.

"I'll let you wear this tonight if you promise not to get it torn up in the mosh pit." She smiled.

I changed into her long-sleeved black crop top, with a leather skirt and thigh-high boots. And damn, I looked good.

 And damn, I looked good

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(Emma's outfit^)

"How do I look?" I asked Mackenzie.

"If Dad could see you now, you'd be grounded for like five years. In other words... perfect." She smiled.

I jumped as the doorbell rang.

"He's here!" I panicked.

"Emma. You're fine. Now go! Throw up some horns for me!" She said.

I threw open the door to find Noah standing there, the porch light reflecting like tiny flames in his eyes.

He looked me up and down, and I didn't miss how his gaze lingered on my plunging neckline and my leather skirt.

"Wow, you look... really good." He complemented.

"You sound surprised." I beamed.

"No, it's just not what I was expecting. You should wear leather more often." He said.

"Maybe I will." I said.

Noah led me to the curb, where his motorcycle was waiting. He handed me a helmet...

Unfamiliar with the shape of the bike, I mounted it bit less smoothly than I was hoping to.

"Never ridden a motorcycle before, huh? You nervous?" He asked.

"Nervous? Not with you behind the wheel. I trust your driving skills." I said.

"I'm honored. Just hang tight and I'll make sure no harm comes in your way." He said.

I slipped behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Even with a layer of his clothes between us, I could tell his stomach was toned with muscle.

"Tighter than that." He said.

"Like this?"

I held him closer, pressing my chest flush against his back. Could he feel my heart beating a mile a minute?

"Better." He said.


By the time we arrived, the line a the club stretched halfway around the block. An imposing bouncer stood by the door, examining IDs with a UV light.

"You have a fake, right?" Noah asked.

"Uh... I didn't know this place was 21 and up." I said.

"No worries. I know the bouncer. Just stick with me and you'll be fine." He said.

We reached the door and hoped I didn't look too out of place. Because I felt it.

"Hey, Noah." The bouncer greeted.

"Hey man, what's up." Noah responded.

"Who's your friend? I'm digging the boots." The man smiled.

But before Noah could answer, I spoke up for myself.

"I'm his girlfriend."

I could see Noah looking at me. I hoped my face wasn't going completely red.

"Well, well, Noah, someone finally locked you down, huh?" The man laughed.

Noah smiled. "What can I say? She's a catch."

He slipped his arm around my waist, so easily it felt like he'd done it a thousand times before.

"Okay, you two can go on through. Have fun." The man said.

As we entered the club, Noah shot me a playful smirk and said;

"You can get pretty creative, huh?"

"I can be, I guess." I smiled.

"I like that about you." He said.

"Oh yeah? What else you like about me?" I asked.

"The fact that you can surprise me." He said.

I bit my lip and felt a fluttering in my stomach. The way he looked at me, holding my gaze, made the room seem to melt around me.

"C'mon, let's get to the front of the stage. I want you to see the band up close." He said.

With a half smile, he slipped through the crowd, and I followed. Everyone was packed so tightly together that it was hard to squeeze through.

"Sorry, excuse me..."

Soon, I'd lost sight of Noah in the throng of people. I tried to press through the crowd to reach the front, but in the process, I accidentally jostled the woman in front of me.


"Hey! What's your problem?" The woman yelled.

I could smell the alcohol wafting off her breath. She glared at me and leaned on a huge, muscular man who I assumed was her boyfriend.

"My bad, I didn't mean to bump into you." I apologized.

"You made me spill my drink! Do you know how much this top costs?" She angrily yelled.

"No one touches my girl. I think someone needs to teach you to watch where you're going." He boyfriend said.

"Wait, please!" I squealed.

Noah was nowhere to be found and I was in big  trouble.


Sorry for the very short chapter, next one's going to be much longer.

Please don't forget to vote.

Q.O.T.D: If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

My answer: Um... I don't know, I'll think about it :)

I love you!! <33

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