Chapter 6: Hurt/Comfort

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Emma's POV


I may not remember the exact moment I fell in love with Mason Jennings... 

But I do remember when I realized we'd always care about each other.

Like any unsupervised ten year-old in the middle of their summer vacation, we'd managed to slip off on an adventure.

We were exploring some woods near our neighborhood when it happened.


"Upward and onward! We're still miles away from where the treasure is buried." Little Mason said, excitedly.

"I don't care about the treasure anymore. I'm hungry." I whined.

"Then let's go back to my house. I'll ask Dad if you can stay for dinner." He said.

"But it'll take us forever to walk back home. I'll starve to death." I said, as I sourly folded my arms. But Mason didn't falter.

"I won't let you die! I'm gonna bring you that." He said, pointing to a direction.

I looked where he was pointing; a juicy red apple hung tantalizing from the top of a tree. Mason began to clamber up its trunk...

"Mason! Be careful! It's so high up... I don't want you to fall." I said worryingly.

"But I don't want you to be hungry. Besides, any good explorer should know how to climb a tree." He smiled.

I anxiously watched Mason as he climbed  higher and higher up the tree. He crawled from branch to branch with ease -- he's always been athletic. 

As he neared the top, I couldn't help but notice the branches were thinning out. My palms started to sweat...

"Mason, are you sure that's safe?" I asked.

"It's no problem! I'm almost--AHHH!"

He lost his grip on the branch and tumbled to the ground! I rushed over to him.

"No! Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay!" I yelled.

"I'll be fine... I just got the wind knocked out of me." He said.

"This is all my fault!" I said, sadly.

"No, it isn't. Don't say that." He comforted me.

"But you got hurt because of me." I respond.

I laid his head in my lap, brushing the leaves out of his hair. He grinned, holding the apple up to me.

"You really didn't have to." I said.

"It was worth it." He smiled.

-end of flashback-

The memory came flooding back as, once again, I cradled Mason's head in my lap.

He clutched his shoulder, gritting his teeth.

"Ow..." He moaned.

"Should we get the nurse?" I asked.

"I'll... be fine... I just need a minute." He replied.

"Mason... you don't have to put on a brave face for me." I admitted.

"Sorry, I'm not trying to act tough... I just don't want to worry you." He said.

"Mason, what kind of friend would  be if I wasn't worried about you?" I asked.

He closed his eyes. He looked so comfortable and at home in my arms...

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