Chapter 10: Perfect

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Emma's POV


I was always my dad's golden girl.

I got good grades. I was home by curfew. I went to cheer practice. I never, ever broke the rules. In his eyes, I was perfect.

And I never questioned any of it... until after I met Noah.

When I saw my dad's ominous text message, I made my way home, feeling sick to my stomach.

I grimaced as my phone buzzed again, alerting me to another text...

"Wait, this one's from Noah?" I questioned myself.


hey, so the gig i told you about the other day is tonight, youre coming right?

My heart leapt as I read his texts... but I wasn't expecting this to happen today.

"Just my luck. I have a cheer exhibition tonight." I gloomily said.

Honestly I wasn't super excited about the exhibition to begin with. Going to the club with Noah sounded a lot  more fun...

But I was committed. Everyone expected me to be there.


Oh yeah, about that... Wanna come to a cheer exhibition instead?


not sure if youre joking but... i don't think thats my type of scene sorry


np I know you were looking forward to seeing the band and all... in any case I kinda have to be there tonight


dang the same night as the show?


Yeah, worst timing ever


no worries. lemme know if you change your mind

There was no way I was going to that show... If I ditched the cheer exhibition, my dad would kill me. Twice.

And judging from that text he'd sent me, I was already in trouble. I braced myself as I opened the front door.

"Emma, there you are. Did you get my text?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, you said we needed to talk?" I asked.

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble. Mackenzie, on the other hand..." I looked over at Mackenzie and saw her face raging with anger. "I found a of half-empty spray paint cans under her bed, so we're having a little conversation about discipline." My dad continued.

He held up the evidence for me to see.

Oh boy.

"I told you, I'm using those for an art project!" Mackenzie angrily said.

"I don't care what they're for. The point is, you were hiding things from me, and that's unacceptable." My dad replied.

Remember when I said I was my dad's 'golden girl'? Well, Mackenzie was pretty much the opposite.

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