Chapter 18: Kiss Goodbye

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Emma's POV


I'd spent the last few years of my life dreaming about the moment I'd kiss Mason Jennings.

But I never imagined it'd happen like this.

I kept expecting one of us to break the kiss, but a magnetic force was holding me in place.

Finally, Mason pulled back, looking searchingly into my eyes.

"Emma, I..."

The crowd of onlookers started hooting and cheering, and his face went pale. He bolted out the back door, and without thinking, I ran after him.

"Mason, stop! We need to talk about this."

"I'm sorry, Emma, I didn't mean to." He apologized.

"Didn't meant to drop the card? Or kiss me?" I asked.

"Look, I messed up. I must've had to much to drink, and I don't want to make things weird... I don't know what I'm going to tell Ava. You know how jealous she gets."

"We should... Tell her it was an accident. You saw how many people were in there. Word will get out, and it's better if she hears it from you first." I said.

Mason rubbed the back of his head and exhaled sharply.

"It's just that... I've been thinking about things lately, and... seeing you here tonight, I..."

"Mason... What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"What the hell, Mason?"

I turned just in time to see Ava drunkenly stomping across the lawn toward us.


We froze as Ava shoved her phone into our faces. A video of me and Mason kissing played on the screen.

"Someone recorded  us?!" I asked, shocked.

"It's blowing up on FaceSpace! Do you know how humiliating it is to see my so-called boyfriend kissing my so-called best friend?" Ava asked.

I watched the clip repeat over and over. I had to admit, it looked way more passionate than I'd realized.

"Please, Ava, let me explain." Mason said.

"There's no need. It's clear that I can't trust you! This whole time we've been dating, I've felt on guard. I thought if I took my eyes off you for a minute, something like this would happen! And it looks like I was right."

"Ava... If you haven't been happy, why date him?" I questioned.

"Because I thought things might get better. But clearly, they didn't." She said.

"Ava, if an accident during a party game is enough to make you fly off the handle, then maybe we should just call it quits. I've been trying to be a good boyfriend. But if you didn't trust me from day one, then we never worked at all." Mason angrily said.

"Say what you want. Deep down, this is about Emma, isn't it? It always has been." Ava responded.

"This has nothing to do with her! I'm done with this, Ava. I'm going home."

My heart dropped as Mason stormed off. Maybe the kiss really was an accident. Maybe it didn't mean anything.

"Fine, run away!" Ava yelled. "And you, Emma? We're done."

Choking back tears, she turned her back on me and staggered away. I felt a hand on my arm.

"Hey... are you okay?"

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