Chapter 13: Polite Company

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Emma's POV


It was weird thinking about having dinner with the Jennings.

Despite how close our families had once been, our parents hadn't kept in touch after Mom died. And things had changed a lot since then.

And after my evening with Noah, I was beginning to wonder if I was changing too. Would it be weird hanging out with Mason now?


As we strode down Mason's long driveway, Mackenzie's jaw dropped at the house that towered before us.

"Emma, why didn't you tell us the Jennings moved into a mansion?"

I'd already caught a glimpse of Mason's new house when we hot-tubbed, but now I was getting the full effect.

"Uh... Mason doesn't talk about it much." I said.

"They've done pretty well for themselves." Dad said.

"Since when do high school principals make McMansion kind of cash? Well, I guess McModern  in this case, but..."

"Mackenzie, don't be rude. The Jennings offered to host, and it's impolite to ask about finances." My dad scolded.

And I could tell he was surprised, though. And maybe the littlest bit sad that the Jennings seemed to have what we didn't...

Wealth, prestige, and a stable family who hadn't been touched by tragedy like ours had. Even though he was a doctor, paying for Mom's treatment had obliterated our savings.

Now, seeing Mason's new house, the gap between our families seemed to have grown even wider.

When we rang the doorbell, Mason's mom, Linda, greeted us with a wide, perfectly white grin.

"Dave, Emma, Madeline! I'm so glad you could all make it!"

I glanced at Mack, who opened her mouth to object, but Dad shot her a look. She pouted.

"Mrs. Jennings, It's Mackenzie, not Madeline." I corrected her.

"I am so sorry, Mackenzie! It really has been too long!" 

She ushered us inside and Dad raised his eyebrows warningly at me, leaning in close to whisper.

"Emma, you could be a little more polite."

"So could she." I replied back.

Dad grimaced, but before he could say anything else, Principal Jennings and Mason strode into the foyer.

"Hey, Emma." Mason greeted.

"Dave, It's been too long! Your daughters are such a pleasure to have at Eastridge." Principal Jennings smiled.

"Good to see you, Jim. Hopefully the girls aren't causing too much trouble." Dad said.

"They'll have bright futures ahead of them as long as they don't get sidetracked by any... undisciplined influences." Principal Jennings said.

As he said it, he caught my eye. Could he be talking about Noah? I felt uneasy.

"Well, sometimes you learn more when you break the rules." I said.

"Maybe, but they may not be things you want to learn, Emma." Principal Jennings said.

As we made our way to the dining room, Mason's dog sniffed Mackenzie curiously, like he was meeting a stranger.


"Aw, Maverick doesn't even recognize me anymore..." Mack said gloomily.

Mason sat down beside me at the dining table. A portrait of Mr. Jennings during his Air Force days hung on the wall across from me.

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