Chapter 21: A different perspective.

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Lily toddled around the bunker, still slightly shaken, but curious to investigate the equipment and people that were scattered about the room.

She entertained herself with uncle Tony for a few moments before she realised that he was more focused on talking to the pirate man than he was on her.

So she moved onto finding her mom. Without success she tried to peek her head above the window to see if she was awake yet, until Tony pulled her away.

"Lils sweetie, your mom's gonna be fine. Come and sit quietly next to Uncle Tony."

She didn't want to sit quietly next to uncle Tony. Uncle Tony was being boring today. So as she was placed in the seat beside him, she crossed her arms in protest, watching the pirate man with an unimpressed expression.

Whilst Tony chatted away to the man in the black coat, she gazed around the room.
There was a door opposite her. It looked fun, and she wanted to investigate. She wanted to know what was behind it. It was better than being sat here, ignored by uncle Tony.

She soon found out what was behind it.

Pew pew torch jerked from the room with blood running down his jaw. Lily didn't want to investigate anymore, that was gross!

"Steve, you fucking psycho!" Johnny yelled as he clutched his bleeding nose.

Lily flinched both at the strong language Johnny used, and the way he seemed to be angry at her daddy.

Right then, she was off to investigate. She was going to sort out this mess whilst the silly adults did their boring talking.

Pushing the door open slightly she peeked around the corner, seeing Steve facing away from her. His hands were by his head, leant against the wall, whilst his heavy breathing warned her he might be angry.


As soon as he heard her soft voice Steve dropped his hands and turned towards her.

"What did you do to Pew pew torch?"

Steve sighed, dropping to her height. It was then Lily saw Steve's face properly in the light.

Daddy had been crying.


She didn't understand. Daddy's weren't supposed to cry? They were supposed to be brave and strong.

"Daddy got angry sweetheart." He finally answered her "He's very sorry... He shouldn't have hit Johnny."

Lily's face screwed up on confusion "But did her deserve it? Like you said that time you hit uncle Tony."

Steve let out a light chuckle "Yes cupcake, he did. I didn't want to hit anyone but sometimes men can be silly."

"Like uncle Tony."

"Yeah... Like uncle Tony."

Even though she was young, Lily knew by Steve's stiff shoulders that he was still upset, so she tried to comfort him the only way she knew how.

Throwing her little arms around his neck she held onto his shoulder blades as tight as she could, engulfing him in a hug.

"I love you Daddy."

"I love you too sweetheart." He mimicked, pulling the toddler closer to his chest.

"Mommy's gonna be okay, right?"

"Of course she is." Steve reassured her.

"And the three of us will be together forever, right?"

Steve's breath hitched "Right."

Hey guys, so I hope you're enjoying the updates.
This chapter was something a little different, I wanted to write as though it was Lily's perspective but not directly narrated by her, which is why some of it is kind of dumbed down descriptions and language. I kinda like it so let me know if you did :)

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