Chapter 2: Memories

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"Daddy..." Lily whined clutching to Steve's shoulders "I'm tired."

Steve hushed her "I know Honey, but we're going to see Uncle Tony."

"Uncle Tony!" She squealed, extending one arm out, pretending to be Iron Man. "Uncle Tony gives me sweeties."

Steve chuckled "I know he does, took us an hour to get you back in the car last time didn't it trouble" he grinned slinging the squirming toddler over his shoulder and tickling her feet.

"Steve!" April appeared in the doorway "Lay off the tickling, just until we know what's going on... Please?"

Steve nodded, he'd almost forgot that Lily's fireball had been initiated only when he tickled her. Steve carried Lily to the car and April strapped her in, whilst Steve went back for their bags.

They arrived at Starks sooner than they'd anticipated. And whilst Steve went to go tell Jarvis that they were here, April got Lily from the car.

"Sir, Ms Stark and Captain Rogers are here." Sounded in Tony's lab

"Already?" he questioned "ok, let em' in J."

Tony jogged up to the living room and outstretched his arms when he saw his niece "Lilypad! Come here ya' little cutie!" he beckoned

Lily grinned and ran from her mothers arms, to Tony's. Tony reached into his pocket and pulled out a lollypop, making as 'shush' gesture before handing it to Lily. She flashed a toothy grin and leant her against her uncles chest as she tried to unwrap the sweet.

"Tony..." April scolded

"Come on sis, I hardly see you guys! The least I can do is unleash my extensive collection of sugar pills unto my adoring niece."

"I really hope she doesn't see you as a role model." A familiar voice sounded from the elevator. God, it had been a long time since she'd seen him, and he looked really good; really good. He was all geared up in his skin tight suit, with his hair ruffled; April couldn't help but find herself being a little flustered.

"Johnny." She whispered

"Long time no see, A" he said, walking past them and into the kitchen "What happened to you at shield?"

April reluctantly left Steve's side and followed Johnny into the kitchen "I quit field work. Work from home now..."

"You quit field work? Bet Fury was pissed, you were his golden girl."

"He understood." April replied.

She noticed Johnny looking past her and into the living room. She turned around to investigate; Tony had Lilly upside down, holding her by the ankles. After a few moments of swinging her around, he put her down and the giggling 3 year old jumped into his arms and wrapped her tiny hands tightly around the back of his neck.

"She's cute." Johnny breathed a laugh "Not too smart though if she's that attached to Tony." he winked

April made a face, and Johnny held his hands by the side of his face in defeat.

"How old is she?" he asked "like four?"

"Around 3 and a half, yeah."

"Jesus, I can't believe it's been that long since I've seen you..."

"I know" April agreed

"So you and Steve still-"


Johnny smiled and nodded "Just checking..."

April laughed "Your still exactly the same..."

Johnny expression suddenly turned more serious "There was a time when you told me never to change..."

April searched back through her memories to the day she first moved in with Johnny.

' " I can't believe I feel so shit on today of all days!" April whined.

Johnny chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the back of her neck. April relaxed into him as he spoke softly in here ear "Never mind Babe, we'll take a nice shower, shove in a cheesy movie and eat popcorn until we explode. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect." she turned in his arms and kissed him softly. She could feel him heating up and she giggled "I love you Johnny, don't ever change."

He kisses her back more passionately "I love you too." '


She was pulled from her thoughts by her brother shouting her. She rushed into the living room, leaving Johnny in the kitchen. "where's Steve and Lily?" she asked as her brother strode towards her.

"He's taken her to Bruce." he whispered in an angry tone "Do you want to explain how your daughter just managed to set my rug on fire?"

April froze. She completely ignored her brothers confused rage and ran down to Bruce in the lab.

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