Chapter 19: Flame on!

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"Flame on!" Johnny cried, leaping out of the open window and setting a course toward Lily's falling body.

He snatched the toddler up, his flames not burning her because of their shared powers. Lily held onto Johnny as tightly as her little arms could muster.

After landing safely on solid ground, Johnny crouched onto his knees, still with Lily held protectively against his chest.

"Shh..." He soothed the shaking toddler "It's ok, squirt. Everything's alright. I've got you..."

"Johnny!" The robotised voice of Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit, whizzed past his head.


"Get Lily out of here! Steve's got April. You know where to go..."

Johnny nodded; he'd sat through hours of Nick's boring monologues about these kinds emergency, so he knew that protocol mandated they'd regroup in S.H.E.I.L.D's closest high security bunker.

"Lils" Johnny held her tighter "It's going to be ok, I promise. We're going to go to a safe place now, ok?"

He felt her weakly nod.

"Flame on!"


"Once Stark gets here, we'll have all the data his A.I collected about the tower attack... until then, no one leaves this room, got it?" Nick ordered.

Everyone had arrived at the safe house, other than Johnny, Lily, and Tony. Reed was occupied with an unconscious April, whilst a jittery Steve paced up and down the room.

"Sir, they're here." Maria Hill announced, staring at a monitor in front of her.

Tony was the first to enter, fully clad in his Iron Man armour. Johnny followed behind closely, Lily still engulfed in his strong arms, shivering with shock.

As soon as Steve laid eyes on the suffering child, he stepped forward with his arms extended. "Lily, sweetheart."

Before Steve could pluck her from Johnny's grasp, Lily screamed "No!" and nuzzled closer into Johnny's neck, gripping his suit tightly.

"Lily." Steve tried again.

She screamed louder this time "NO!" visibly moving out of range for Steve to touch her.

Johnny stood and watched Steve's face fall into a heartbroken expression.

"Johnny." Reed called "Bring her here, let me check her heart rate."

Slowly Johnny moved away from Steve's miserable gaze, and into a separate room full of medical equipment.

Reed gently lifted Lily out of his arms; Johnny's gaze falling to the April's still body.

"April's fine Johnny." Reed reassured "Just out cold, that's all."

A weak smile appeared on Johnny's face, nodding and raising an eyebrow he asked "What about Lil?" he gently ran a hand through the little girls hair.

"She's just a little shocked, but she'll calm down." Reed held a glass of water out for her to take "Drink this Lily, you'll feel a little better then."

Johnny stood by her side as the little girl gripped the glass with both hands and raised it to her lips.

As she was drinking Johnny asked "Lily, why wouldn't you let Stev-" he stopped himself, and continued through gritted teeth "-your dad... go near you?"

Lily looked up at him with tears pooling in her eyes "Daddy let me fall."

Johnny's face contorted into a pained expression, thinking 'No. Daddy didn't let you fall. Steve let you fall; Daddy was the one who caught you. Daddy would never let you fall.'

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