Chapter 24: So she'll be safe.

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Tony and Steve engrossed themselves in trying to find out what happened to Stark Tower, and who or what had caused it.

Meanwhile Johnny was next door bonding with Lily. April tiptoed in a while later, perching on the edge of an old but rather large gas canister, moving Tony's old scotch glass from on top of it as she did.
"For God sake." she breathed, after accidentally spilling the liquid down one side of her leg and the container.

She brushed herself off quickly and settled herself, watching the two blondes, wanting to say something to Johnny but not allowing the words to come from her mouth.

"We could have had it so good, you know that?" Johnny said finally after a few minutes of awkward silence.

April looked up at him "What?"

"Me and you." He smirked "You always said I was the irresponsible liar... Looks like we have even more in common than I thought."

"Guess so." she tensed.

The entire atmosphere of the room was gloomy, the only thing that seemed to be in colour was the pictures Johnny And Lily were drawing on a piece of scrap paper.

April breathed deeply,
"I never meant to hurt y-"

"I know." Johnny whispered

Lily sniffled and ran the back of her hand underneath her nose.

"Got a cold squirt?" Johnny smiled

Lily nodded and sniffed again continuing with her picture.

"As soon as its light outside I'm taking Lils to sue." Johnny suddenly voiced, not looking away from the paper.

"You're not taking her anywhere." April objected.

"I'm not doing it to annoy you A, I'm doing it so she'll be safe... Somebody's obviously out to get one of us, and we can't all stay in this bunker forever."

"Okay." April nodded "But I-"
Before she could finish her sentence, Lily erupted into sneezes. Each time she did, a flicker of fire would spark bigger and bigger from the little girls fingers.

The last sneeze was more violent, it set tiny Lily off balance, causing a jet of flames to fly towards April.
The spillage from Tony's glass instantly set alight, consequently exploding the gas canister.

The explosion sent furniture and concrete flying through into the next room, as well as Aprils body. Johnny managed to shield himself and Lily from the flames, but not the projectiles from the blast.

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