Chapter 3: Daddy, don't be sad.

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"Steve?" April called as she walked into the lab.

Steve turned, revealing Lily sat on a lab table swinging her legs back and forth. "Sorry, Tony kept swinging her by her ankles, she got excited and it happened again." he explained.

"Again?" Bruce inquired

"Yeah..." April nodded, going to stand beside her daughter "Steve was tickling her earlier and she blasted the wall."

Bruce sighed "Right, let's take a look at you then sweetie..." He smiled and began checking her temperature and blood pressure.

Steve snaked an arm around Aprils waist and asked "What did Storm say?"

"Nothing important." she brushed it off "I didn't even know he was here?"

"Him and Ben are working on a mission with Tony." Bruce interjected "Clint's here too... But it looks like I'm going to need to get Richards down here."

"Reed? why?"

"He's got more experience dealing with this stuff." Bruce said, gesturing to Lily "Plus whatever is happening to her seems awfully similar to Johnny's DNA, and Reed's studied him closely."

April nodded but held a worried expression. Steve squeezed her hand reassuringly "How long before we can get Reed here?"

Bruce shrugged "Maybe tomorrow?"

"See, we'll wait for Reed and he'll know what to do..." Steve soothed.

April nodded and picked up her daughter "Thanks Bruce." She made her way to the elevator with Steve following behind. Before Steve could exit the lab, Bruce caught his arm and pulled him into a corner.

"Steve... Lily's not yours is she?" he whispered

Steve solemnly shook his head "Not by blood."

Bruce noticeably relaxed "ok, at least now we know the whole fire thing hasn't just developed on its own..." He spoke softly "So she's Johnny's then?".

Steve nodded

"And Johnny doesn't know he's the father?"

Steve nodded again. "Bruce-"

-"Secrets safe with me Cap." Bruce reassured "Call it, patient confidentiality..." he winked


Later that evening Steve and April were in their room. Lily was knelt on the carpet playing with her toys. Steve had been quiet and distant all day and April could see he was on edge.

"Steve, baby... what's wrong?"

He looked at her calmly, pretending that he hadn't just been lost in his thoughts for the last 20 minutes. "Nothing." he lied. Truth was, he hated this; knowing that one day Lily would find out who her real dad was, and he wouldn't matter anymore.

April expertly read his facial expressions and figured out what was worrying him. "Steve, she'll always be your little girl. you know that?"

His jaw clenched as his eyes moved to watch the toddler idly fiddling with her dolls on the carpet. He looked back up to April and furrowed his brows slightly. She placed a hand on the side of his face before pulling his head into her chest.

April put her chin on top of his head and ran her hands through his hair "Steve, no matter what happens, no matter who she knows as her real dad; you will always be the dad that was there when she was born, the one that fed her and cradled her when she cried. You where there when she first opened her eyes, when she said her first word, when she started walking. She dotes on you Steve, you'll always be daddy to her - with or without her and Johnny knowing the truth." she kissed him softly.

It was then Steve felt Lily's tiny hand tug at his shirt. She looked up at him worriedly through her wide blue eyes "Daddy, don't be sad."

Question of the chapter: How long will it take before Johnny knows the truth?

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