Chapter 10: Desire.

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April was lost in her senses. The pure desire in Johnny's eyes and the heat of his body pressed against her's made her forget all about the rest of the world, anything or anyone outside the vicinity of Johnny's room didn't exist.

Johnny's tongue ran a hot trail along her collar bone as he continued to give April the intimacy she'd been craving from Steve over the past few weeks. One of her leg's was hooked around his waist, whilst the other rested over his shoulder; she was getting close.

"Jo-hnny..." She breathed heavily against his neck. She held onto his biceps, tilting her head back as she let the waves of pleasure consume her.


Steve was getting impatient. It wasn't like April to stay out past 9 o'clock, she usually liked to come back to see Lily before they put her to bed. But Tony had asked J.A.R.V.I.S, and she was still in the tower at least, so he'd had no reason to worry.

But now it was 1am in the morning, she wasn't answering her phone, and he couldn't go and look for her because he didn't want to leave Lily alone.

"Jarvis?" He called as quietly as possible

"Yes sir."

"Where's April?"

"Miss Stark is still in the tower, Captain."

Steve let out a frustrated breath "But where in the tower?"

J.A.R.V.I.S took a few seconds longer than usual to reply "I'm afraid I am unable to disclose that information, Sir."

"What d'you mean?" Steve furrowed his brows. The only time J.A.R.V.I.S wouldn't tell you where someone was, was if the person you were looking for had purposely forbidden him from telling you.


"Miss Stark." J.A.R.V.I.S announced "I'm afraid Captain Rogers is insistent on knowing where you are."

April whimpered, sinking back into the pillows on Johnny's bed. She covered her face with her hands "What the hell do I tell him?"

Johnny gently pulled her hands away from her face, kissing her bare shoulder. "Tell him you were in the toilet or something."

"The toilet?"

"Yeah, like you were too embarrassed to get Jarvis to tell Steve that you were taking a dump."

She looked at him dumbfounded for a second, before biting her lip "That's not actually, a bad idea."

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