Chapter 12: None the Wiser.

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"April?" Steve knocked lightly on the door "Lily's gonna stay with Tony tonight.".

His heart broke when all he heard was a sniff in response.

"No, sweetheart. Please don't cry." he shushed "Open the door A, please."

After a few more minutes of trying to coax April out of the bathroom, Steve gave up; he pulled his shirt off and slipped into bed.

He didn't know how much time had passed until he felt the weight of Aprils body causing the mattress to dip. He'd managed to work himself up by this time, and could do nothing but try and explain the truth to her in a broken tone.

"April I need you to listen-"

"-Steve I'm done arguing" she interjected

"No, that's not what I mean." he sighed "I need to explain everything... you deserve to know."

April became more curious, turning to face him, only to see the strong silhouette of his back. Steve almost never faced away from her, unless he was upset and was adamant not to let her see...

So she listened.

Steve's shoulders tensed as he spoke,
"I didn't mean to push you away. I've just had a lot to think about lately and Reed..." he trailed off.

April pulled lightly on his shoulder to lay him on his back "Reed what?"

"Reed..." Another deep sigh escaped Steve's lips "Told me something I didn't want to hear."

"What? what is it?" she asked in haste "Is something wrong? are you sick?"

"No, no." he shook his head "Not exactly."

"Then what do you mean?"

He finally moved his gaze to her "You know how we'd talked about one day having a baby of our own?"

April nodded with furrowed brows.

"Obviously you know I love lily. I adore her, and you know i'd do anything for that little girl, April. But with the whole Johnny thing, and everyone finding out... I'd been thinking a lot more about having our own child lately."


"But I wasn't sure about something... So I asked Reed."

"Asked Reed what?" April queried, still none the wiser.

Fallout (Sequel to Aftermath - Steve Rogers Love Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum