Chapter 18: I predict an earthquake.

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Hey lovelies, I'm back updating again, yay! Quick warning for this chapter, if you are affected heavily by feels, bring precautionary tissues with you to this chapter...


"Jarvis, where the hell is flame boy?"

"Mr storm is currently in his room, Sir."

"Right." Tony huffed, making his way down the hall.

Barging into Johnny's room, Tony found the blonde perched on the end of his bed with his head in his hands. A hologram of the same section of security footage was playing on a loop:

'"Steve... Lily's not yours is she?" he whispered

Steve solemnly shook his head "Not by blood."

Bruce noticeably relaxed "ok, at least now we know the whole fire thing hasn't just developed on its own..." He spoke softly "So she's Johnny's then?".

Steve nodded

"And Johnny doesn't know he's the father?"''

"Johnny?" Tony asked cautiously.

"How could she keep this from me?" He replied, not looking up from his hands.

"Johnny liste-" before Tony could even begin to explain he was knocked off of his feet as the tower shook, feeling like it's entire foundations had shifted.

The two men stumbled back to there feet, hearing a high pitches scream from the corridor.

They both looked at each other and simultaneously uttered "Lily!"

Running into corridor, Tony had time to quickly survey the damage: the entire top half of the tower appeared to have shifted at a 45 degree angle; windows were broken, and glass and furniture lay scattered across the carpet.

At the end of the corridor Steve was laid on his belly, half of his torso hanging out of a broken window. With one hand, he held onto an unconscious April, with the other he desperately clung to Lily, who hung only by Steve's hand out of the open window.

Trying to keep the frightened toddler calm at the same time as keeping himself rooted to the ground was proving extremely difficult.

He heard Tony's voice shout "Jarvis, what the hell is attacking us?"

The tower shook again, more violently than the first, causing Steve to lose his grip on the little girl.

"No!" he lurched forward, almost toppling over the edge himself.

He was helpless.

All he could do was gaze in agony at his little girl as she fell through the air, extending her arms toward him as far as she could reach.

"Daddy!" her squeal got quieter and quieter as she plummeted.

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