Chapter 8: Pop tarts, Problems, and Pew pew torch!

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"No come on..." Johnny provoked "What don't I know?"

"Just drop it, Torch." Tony warned "You want coffee?"

Johnny nodded and seated himself diagonally to Steve at the table. Steve was lost in his thoughts as Tony busied himself making another drink for the three of them.

April walked into the kitchen with Lily on her arm. Consequently this pulled Steve from his daydream as he watched Johnny admire his girlfriend's backside as she waltzed passed him. Lily looked cheerily over her mothers shoulder, brightening as she laid eyes on Johnny; she outstretched her arms and squealed with delight,

"Pew pew torch!"

Steve noticeably tensed at both the actions he'd just witnessed. Johnny chuckled and playfully poked the toddlers cheek; this caused April to jerk Lily away from Johnny quickly - He was getting far too close for comfort. April quickly passed Lily over to Steve, whilst she made conversation with her brother at the kettle.

Steve settled Lily on his lap, kissing the top of her head as she banged her little fists on the table. Tony suddenly reappeared holding a pop tart in his hand,

"Here Lil, try this." He offered passing it over to Lily. Seeing Steve's brow furrow, Tony decided to reassure him "Don't worry Cap, mamma bear approves..." He said gesturing over to April who was leant against the counter multitasking eating one herself and stirring coffee.

Steve nodded, watching Lily's reaction as she raised the treat to her tiny mouth. Lily revealed a content grin as she continued munching on the pop tart. April then joined the 4 of them, placing a couple of mugs on the table.

Lily raised the pop tart up above her head "Daddy, try."

Steve gently steadied her hand and cautiously took a bite. "Ok, what is this? And why have I never tried it before?"

Tony laughed "Sorry, Cap. That was the last of em'."

Steve breathed a laugh and finished the last of his coffee, "Will you take Lily for me Sweetheart? I gotta' speak to Reed a second..." 

April nodded and pulled Lily into her lap, as Steve exited the kitchen. He quickly made his way down to the lab to catch Reed who was bent over a microscope.

"Oh, Steve. Everything ok?" Reed asked

"Not really." He sighed "I need to ask you about something... But none of the others can know - especially A." He spoke sternly.

Reed nodded "Of course, what is it?"

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