Chapter 15: Cupcakes.

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"What happened?" April asked, giggling as she inspected the row of cakes on the kitchen table.

"Tell me about it." Her brother answered "I went out for 10 minutes this morning and left Lil's with Johnny-"

April tensed and raised an eyebrow.

"-and when I came back, they were making cupcakes." Tony finished.

Lily hopped up onto a stool to point to the cakes "Look mommy, these one's have Daddy's shield on!"

April cracked a smile "They look beautiful sweetie." Taking her daughters hands she pulled the little girl into a tight hug, whispering in her ear "I'm so sorry about last night Lils... We didn't mean to upset you." April rubbed Lily's back lightly "Me and Daddy love you so much, you know that."

"I know mommy." Lily agreed with her hand wrapped lovingly around Aprils neck "Do you think Daddy will like my cakes?"

April chuckled and pulled back "I'm sure he'd love them. Why don't you go take him one?"

Lily made an 'eeeee' noise and rushed out of the kitchen with a cupcake decorated like Steve's shield.

Meanwhile, April turned to glare at Tony, only to receive the same glare back.

"What the hell are you thinking leaving her with Johnny?" she whispered in a harsh tone.

"Something happened between you and him didn't it?" he replied "And you know... he's actually quite good with her."

"Your an idiot."

"So something did happen?" Tony grinned smugly

"What? No! How did you-"

"You always call me an idiot when I'm right but you don't want me to be... Now," he challenged "You can either own up to it, or I can check the Towers' security tapes."

April squinted "You wouldn't."

"Jarvis could you-"

"No, no wait!" April stopped him. "Ok..." she sighed "I got drunk and I made a mistake... but please Tony, I'm begging you. Do not. Tell. Steve."

Tony's expression saddened "I'm keeping an awful lot of lies locked up for you, A... And I don't like it. I hope you know the value of me keeping my mouth shut is very high."

Double update today woooooo! Sorry this chapter might be a little short I just had the cute idea of Johnny decorating cakes with Steve's shield on and was like "This needs to be written down before I forget!"

And also, you guys! you guys, you guys, you guys... you've been leaving such amazing comments and I'm overwhelmed by your love... (but don't stop *sly wink*) haha, but seriously I love you all so much, virtual Chris Evans hugs for you all :D xoxoxo

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