Questions answered :)

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FoxxyPenguin48 said: "wait, IS THAT THE END??????"

Yep, haha for this book at least, I'll be posting the sequel in literally like 5 minutes :)


Char906 said: "YAY (for third book) she was still in a coma, I thought she was out of it and dating Steve, but I was wrong. Also what will the third book be called?"
And also "will she ever date Steve or nah???"

Yay for third book too! :) yeah, I know it might be a bit confusing especially since its been so long since a lot of you guys have probably read the first book, so I wanted to show all the events and her life from the point of being injured in chapter 10 of aftermath (the 1st book) as just a figment of her unconscious imagination. Eventually I want this to lead on into the third book so that she still has these strong feelings towards Steve, so yes I think her and Steve have got a pretty good chance of finding each other again :) I was also thinking of maybe having it take place alongside the events of the avengers (film) since loki is my favourite villain ever }:)
I'm not sure what I want the third book to be called yet, I have a few ideas floating around but if you guys want to suggest some that would be awesome too :)

Music_Freak_05 said: "Do you plan on ever putting lily back into the story?"

I'm not sure, I think in some strange way I want April to kind of re-live the life she invented for herself in her coma, but now learning from her mistakes so, yeah I think there might end up being a lily again somewhere down the line :)

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