Chapter 5: Pew Pew Torch!

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April awoke from a heavy sleep. She was firmly locked in Steve's strong arms, but managed to squirm further to the edge of the bed to check the clock; it was only 2:36 am. She groaned and wriggled onto her other side, returning to the warmth of Steve's chest. She lay still, listening to the rhythm of Steve's breathing, before realizing that Lily's bedroom door was open and her night light had been turned off.

She suddenly tensed and jolted upright, before heading into Lily's room. Her brows furrowed as she called to J.A.R.V.I.S with urgency,

"Jarvis, Where is Lily?!"

"She is currently in the kitchen with Mr Stark and Mr Storm." The A.I replied

April clenched her jaw "Tony..."


"What do you want on this one Lil's?" Tony asked placing another pancake in front of his niece.


Tony placed the jar of nutella on the table next to her, as he returned to make more batter. Lily gripped a butter knife with both hands, dipping it into the nutella. The knife got stuck, and as Lily tried to release it, the jar threatened to tip.

Johnny caught the jar just before it fell off the table "Come here squirt, lemme' help." He offered.

Lily smiled appreciatively as Johnny spread the choc late on her pancake and rolled it up for her. Just as Johnny was hovered over her, cutting the pancake into smaller pieces that she could eat, April stormed in.

"Tony, what the hell is your problem!"

"A, calm down..." Tony hushed "What's the matter?"

"I wake up and find Lily not in her room? I was terrified, she could have been anywhere!" April scolded, wandering over to her daughter, she gently took Lily in her arms and away from Johnny. She was still uncomfortable being around Johnny, and she didn't like that she had just found him bonding with the daughter he didn't know was his!

"She wasn't anywhere though, A. She was with us..." Johnny stated


Tony rolled his eyes, "A, It was harmless! We were just having some pancakes... I didn't know Johnny was going to be down here."

"Wait..." Johnny held up his palms "Why am I the problem? I may be irresponsible but when it comes to children I'm not a complete screw up... "

Lily held onto the scruff of her mother's tank top "I like pew pew torch " She stated pointing to Johnny. She looked up at April and smiled before looking to Johnny "He helped with pancakes, look!" She stretched an arm out towards her plate.

Johnny placed a hand on his hip and raised his eyebrow at April.

Tony turned to him and chuckled "You know she's gonna call you Pew Pew Torch for the rest of your life now, don't ya'."

April smirked "Sounds like a bad smell." Before walking out of the room. Lily looked over her shoulder and whined, flexing her fingers toward Tony and Johnny. April patted her daughter on the back "No, honey. You'll see them tomorrow. Its sleep time now."


Back upstairs, April put Lily down on the floor in her room "Come on Lil's, into bed sweetie."

Lily stood with her arms stiff by her side, looking up at her mother with tears in her eyes. April couldn't take this... She was close to crying herself, she was starting to crumble under the pressure; after years of not having to worry about Johnny or when she would finally have to tell Lily the truth, it was just too much. She couldn't stand here and watch her adorable little girl cry whilst still keeping it together herself.

She looked back down at Lily to see a tear rolling down her cheek; April cracked, sniffing and quietly scurrying into her and Steve's room,

"Steve... could you?" April whimpered

Steve had been awake since April had brought Lily back to her room; he looked worriedly at April,

"Honey, whats g-?"

"-Steve." She interrupted him "Please could you just get Lily to bed."

Steve saw the tears running down April's cheeks and rushed to Lily's room to put her to sleep. He picked up the agitated 3 year old and hugged her tightly,

"Hey, I can't be doing with you and mommy crying mow can I?" He cooed, wiping the tears from Lily's cheeks "Come on sweetie, lets get you back to bed..."

Lily obliged and climbed under the covers.

"Night Daddy."

"Goodnight cupcake..." Steve kissed her forehead.

Steve closed Lily's door quietly and paced quickly back into his and April's room. April was sat against the headboard of the bed with her knee's tightly hugged to her chest. Steve moved her knees away from her face and pulled her further to the edge of the bed.

"A?" He whispered "What is it?"

April sniffed and leapt forward into Steve arms. He rubbed circles on her back, whispering soothing comments into her ear before pulling her into his lap. He stood up; April wrapping her legs around his waist. He carried her across the room to turn off the light switch, before laying her down on the bed and climbing in next to her.


EEEE! Hope you liked it!

Question of the chapter: Do you think April is going to fall for Johnny again?

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