Chapter 6: Haunted.

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I was at breaking point. I knew what I was asking of Steve; I was exploiting his good heart, but I had no choice. I thought about giving it up, but every time I brought myself to realistically doing anything about the situation, all it would take was a glance at my stomach for me to go back on my decision. I couldnt do it. Just couldn't do it. There was a living being growing inside me, something me and him had (at the time) made with love; I couldn't get rid of my baby... my baby. I felt a grin grow across my cheeks, the words 'my baby' ringing in my brain. It was mine. He or she would grow up still being mine; mine to love, mine to hold, mine to be loved by.

That's when I knew there was no going back. I was having this baby. Johnny's baby. My Baby... I'm grinning again.

I held my thoughts at the back of my mind, hoping that if I recoiled them to Johnny then everything would be ok. I wouldn't have to exploit Steve or invent a lie to make life easier; Johnny would understand and we'd work something out.

I jogged through the halls to Johnny's room and knocked a couple of times. I knew he was in there because I'd asked J.A.R.V.I.S, so why wouldn't he answer? I gently pushed the door and found it unlocked, so I stepped inside.

I called out "Johnny?" stopping in my tracks as I registered the scene before me. Johnny was layed on his bed, feet facing me; his hand gripped tightly to the hips of a women. She was sat on top of him, the bed sheets pooled at her hips, as she rode Johnny.

I quickly tried to exit the room, but Johnny spotted me.

"Oh my god! A?" He shouted, pulling the covers higher in an attempt to cover them both "What are you doing here?"

"I needed to-" I started to speak before I recognized the women still closely glued to him "You!"

"A... Please..." Johnny warned

"This bitch!" I screamed "The same skanky reporter you cheated on me with!?"

"Ok, that's out of order!" Johnny retaliated. He quickly got up from the bed, slipping into his boxers before padding over to me. He got close to me, his voice low and gruff "You come here, after rejecting me. You insult the women I'm with and shout your mouth off? Who do you think you are? You shudda' got the message when I didn't answer the door A... Now get out!" He spat "You've made your boundaries very clear, so respect mine. I hope you and spangle-butt are very happy together."

The resentment in his voice was all I needed. I turned and ran off down the halls, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. Did I really mean that little to him? So much so that he jumps straight back into bed with 'her' again as soon as we've broken up? And if he really didn't care then why did he beg for me back?

It was then that I decided I wouldn't tell Johnny. He didn't deserve it; he didn't deserve me; and he certainly didn't deserve the gratifying responsibility of a child.

I needed Steve. I needed him now.


"A!" Steve gently shook her "A, wake up sweetheart! Its just a bad dream..."

April shot up, she panted with sharp breaths causing her to become slightly dizzy. Steve eased her to lay back down on the mattress uttering soothing words.

He ran his hand through her hair "A, talk to me sweetie..."

"I'm ok."

"You sure? What happened?"

She sniffed "Just... I... had a weird flashback... dream... I dunno...."

Steve pulled her into his chest "What about Hun?"

"It doesn't matter..."

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