Chapter 4: Midnight Pancake Party.

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"We need to talk - now!" Tony urged, pulling his sister into the kitchen "What the hell was that earlier!?"

"Tony, please keep your voice down!" She scolded

Tony gave her 'the face' - that expression brothers use when they want to remind you that if you weren't a woman they'd kick your ass right now.

"Please..." She whispered "Just let me explain..."

"I'm listening."

"Lilly... Isn't Steve's child." She admitted "Well, not biologically anyway..."

Tony raised an eyebrow "Well that's pretty fucking obvious A! The kid can shoot fire balls, and there's only one other person we know who can do that, and he just happens to be your ex-boyfriend!" He shouted "Did you know she wasn't Steve's?"

April nodded.

Tony questioned her again "But you told everyone she was Steve's anyway?" 

She nodded even slower.

"What the fuck are you playing at!? What is wrong with you? He has a 3 year old toddler he doesn't know about! Jesus, A!" Tony screeched even louder

April grabbed him forcefully by the wrists "You think I enjoy this Tony!? Knowing that I've lied to my baby girl, knowing that I lied to Johnny, knowing that I lied to you? No I fucking don't! I'm terrified Bro! I made a mistake, I made a misjudgment - and now I have no idea how to fix it! And you and your shouty, swearing, rage is not offering very useful advice - so lets just fucking drop it!" She let go of his wrists "But I swear to god, if you tell anyone else this I'll turn you into Iron Woman!" She made a chopping gesture with her hands.

Tony sighed and ground his teeth "You know, If you weren't my sister I wouldn't be going along with this..."

April narrowed her eyes at him and left the room, returning to where she'd left Steve and Lilly on the couch.


Tony made a 'shush' gesture, putting his finger over is lips; the over excited toddler trailing behind him trying to trap her giggles. It was 2am, and Tony had managed to sneak his niece out of her room for a 'midnight pancake party'. The two padded bare foot down the corridor until they reached the lift, both relieved when they entered as they could make all the noise they wanted now they were away from the bedrooms.

They stepped out of the lift and tiptoed through the dark living room into the kitchen, surprised to see the light was on. The duo trotted through the door to find Johnny sat at the breakfast bar in his joggers and a tank top.

Johnny lifted his head "Hey, What're you two doing up?"

"Midnight pancake party." Tony said nonchalantly "We have one every time we see each other, don't we Lil's?"

Lily nodded her head furiously.

Johnny chuckled, watching Tony pick her up, placing her in the seat opposite him. Lily grinned wildly, furiously kicking her legs due to the excitement of pancakes; her clear blue eyes turned to Johnny.

"Hey Lily." He offered, not really knowing what the proper etiquette of a bumping into a toddler having a 'midnight pancake party' involved.

She smiled "Hi. Why aren't you sleep?"

"I just couldn't sleep..." Johnny admitted

"Not because you wanted pancakes?"

"No, I didn't know there was going to be any pancakes." He chuckled

Lily banged her little fists against the table "Got to keep secret, no telling mommy!" She warned

Johnny nodded "No telling mommy? Got it."

Johnny watched as Lily's eyes darted around the room, her curiosity boundless. Her eyes fixed on the pan Tony was holding as he flipped the pancake; the little girl held her hands above her head in triumph, shuffling around on her bottom as she waited for her uncle to place a pancake in front of her.

While Lily ate, she became seemingly more interested in johnny.

"Are you the fire one?" She asked "Like, Pew! Pew! Pew!" She made a fireball gesture with her hands, offering some questionable sound effects to go with it.

"Yeah, Im the human torch..." Johnny giggled 

"But do you go - Pew! Pew! Pew!" Lily persisted, making the actions again.

Johnny humored her, clicking his fingers to reveal a small flame. He was expecting Lily to be bowled over by what he could do, but she didn't seem overly impressed. He clicked his fingers again so the flame disappeared "Whats the matter, squirt?"

"You didn't do it right..." Lily stuck out her bottom lip "You need to do the 'Pew!'"

"Pew!" Johnny demonstrated, this time with his full hand engulfed in flames.

Lily squealed and clapped her hands "Again!"


She laughed more, "Again!"

"Good luck getting out of this one, Storm..." Tony smiled from across the table.

"Again, again!" Lily urged.

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