Chapter 13: I love you, you idiot.

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"I'm infertile."


Steve stumbled on his words "I can't- uh- have children of my own, A..."

April was shocked by his announcement; she took a few moments to process his words, her hands retracting slightly towards her own body, rather than Steve's.

Seeing her stunned reaction, Steve grew more anxious. Turning his nerves into words, he continued to explain.
"That's why I've been funny. I just- didn't feel up to it, ya know. I felt like if let you down, and I knew I couldn't give you what we talked about; what you wanted, so I refused you when you tried to get intimate." he kept his gaze fixed on his hands, and away from April's stare. "I just, felt a little emasculated I guess... But that's not your fault, and I shouldn't have dealt with it like I did; I should've just told you as soon as I found out. I'm sorry."

He felt a soft hand on his cheek, as April traced the perimeter of his tensed jaw. She gently brushed a stray tear from Steve's cheek and rested her forehead against his.

"No." she whispered, her hot breath tickling Steve's upper lip "I'm sorry. I should've been more patient, I knew something was wrong... I was just being selfish. I'm so sorry Steve. You can give me what I want. Your everything that I want." She giggled lightly "I love you, you idiot."


Hey guys, so im sorry this is only short, and it's a little fluffy.

But, what did ya think of this chapter?

Also a little quick thank you, I've been getting loads of love from you guys. just wanted you to know that I do read your comments, I may not necessarily get to reply but I do always read them, and I love them, and they make me smile, and motivate me to write. So thanks for the immense commenting and voting support y'all give me :)
I love you all xoxo

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