Chapter 1

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"izu! survive!!!"

i turn to see my mothers lifeless form hanging from the arms of the villain i once knew as my father. he was just my step dad but a father to me nevertheless . he stared at me with cold eyes his white hair blowing in an invisible wind.

"why? why would you kill mommy?" i cry at him

i was angry with him...i wanted him dead...

"good boy may not be my biological son but you will make a fine addition to my list of pawns someday...until then...let that anger fuel you..." he walked towards me with maniacal glee in his eyes

i was to scared...i couldn't move... he grabbed my head and i could feel a sharp pain in my head it was like something inside it was trying to break me from the inside out...then it stopped and he backed up. 

father stepped away as a dark purple mist enveloped him

"i will come back for son..." his voice faded into the dark of night as he disappeared

and i ran far far away, away from that man, away from the bloody scene before me... i want to forget it... i want to forget it all... i want to forget that man and what he said...and as i ran a voice whispered in the back of my mind... and i forgot... all i knew was mom was dead because of a villain, but i didnt know who... i knew i wanted to be a hero...and i knew i had a dad somewhere... and i had to find him..

Aizawa's pov

Inko is dead... and her kid... is missing... a kid... she had a kid... we had a kid... damn it i'm so stupid... i should have gone and checked up on her after we broke up... she was so understanding when i told her i was into guys... there wasn't a single mean bone in that woman's body...  

i was heading out for my nightly patrol but i couldn't get the news i had received from Tsukauchi that morning out of my head. if i find this child i promise, ill raise them myself.. i jumped from building to building checking all the alleyways for any sign of the child, i WILL find them. Just then a small mop of green hair catches my attention, green like inko's.. my heart rate sped up, the kid was being taken by a couple of guys. i quickly jump down from the top of the building i spin as i  land kicking two of them in the head and knocking them out. that leaves the guy with the kid

"stay back! ill kill the kid with my quirk if you come any closer!" he yells

i erase his quirk and run up to him, his face was filled with panic and confusion as i kicked him unconscious catching the kid with my capture scarf. i set him down and quickly tie the villains up and call the police, it their job to take care of these kinds of villains plus i have a kid to take care of now.

i turn back to the little greenette to see him looking at me with wonder and admiration in his eyes.

"hey kid, nice to meet you im e-" i start but the kid cuts me off

"you're Erasure head! you can erase peoples quirks by looking at them!" he says in excitement

this kid knows an underground hero like myself? huh

"yeah kid that right, but you call call me Aizawa " i say with a bit of a smile, oh i just hope my smile isnt too creepy. the kid looks like he's about to burst into tears

"h-hey whats wrong, was my smile really that-" he cuts me off by hugging me

"dad! i-i thought i would never find you!" i pick him up and cradled him in my arms he looked to be around five years old. how did he know it was me? i myself wasnt even sure if this kid was mine yet..

"hey, whats your name kid?" i can hear the sirens in the distance, when tsukauchi gets here ill have him handle the paper work. i am the kids biological father so it should be pretty easy.

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