Chapter 13

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"is something wrong Aizawa?" 

it takes me a second to realize the doctor was talking to me, i forgot my name was aizawa now.

"i-im fine just another memory.." im not lying it was another wasnt my memory..

"alright then, lets get started then shall we? all we have to do is a simple check up and a quick brain scan." the doctor waves at me to follow him and i slip out of bed and follow him to a smaller room where it was just me and him

"you dont need to do any of that, im fine Dr. Ujiko" i say 

thats when he gets suspicious, he hadnt told me his name yet and he wasnt wearing a name tag either

"how do you know my name?" his eyes narrow and his tone goes serious 

"i dont need to explain myself to you" i cant tell him im getting AFO's memories... not when the guy works for him...

"wait... you look familiar... your inkos kid! your h-"

i dont let him finish his sentence, a sudden rush of violence washes over me and i pin the doctor to the wall by his neck.

"just tell them im fine and ill be done with you" i growl i release him and he goes to his desk to grab some papers, rubbing his neck where i had grabbed him.

why would i do that? 

"here" he grumbles handing me the papers. i grab them and leave.

"here, im all clear" i smile handing dad the papers

i cant let them find out what i did back there... not when i myself dont understand what happened..

"alright, we can head back for the last hour of school if you want, just to get reacquainted with the school and hopefully get some memories back" dad says shuffling through the papers he stops to read a note on the last paper and stares at it grimly  before sliding the papers into his pocket.

we head down to the front desk and sign me out, after that dad, papa, kacchan and i pile into papa's car and head to UA.

"there was a note on the last paper that sometimes getting memories can be stressful on the body and might cause sudden migraines or black outs, so if you ever feel dizzy or anything like that let me or hizashi know, we want to make sure you stay safe okay?" dad looks at me from the front passenger seat and i nod

i look over to kacchan who's sitting beside me looking out the window. i reach out to get his attention but i stop and then turn back to my own window. its then that i notice dad is watching me from the mirror.

"we're here"

we all pile out of the car and head into UA, every now and then we'll pass a hero who is working as a teacher and they'll give me a little nod and smile, but i can see the pity in their eyes. its still makes me wonder, they all seem familiar with me, how could we be this familiar when i haven't even been here for a full year yet? 

then we run into recovery girl, and a memory floods my mind

"this should take affect in a couple of hours at most so i want you to get to your dad's class in case something happens with your quirk. " recovery girl says 

medicine? oh right... i took some medicine from recovery girl t help with my quirk manifestation..

in the memory i go into dad's class and sleep for a bit before it starts. An intense pain behind my eyes, the red hot poker feeling in the memory felt so real...

"Izuku! Izuku!"

I break free from the memory and realize im on the floor clutching my head so hard I made little cuts with my finger nails. blood was running down my head and my ears were ringing. i must have activated my quirk unconsiously during the memory because i felt my hair fall back onto my shoulders.

"i-im okay... it was the quirk memory... it was like i could feel the pain all over again.." 

dad's eyes go wide as i say this. he knows what it felt like getting the erasure quirk and the thought of having to go through it twice was unbearable.

"im so sorry izu..." 

"its fine...lets just get to class..."

recovery girl was still there so she wraps my head up and we hurry on to class 1-a

"i'll go in first, you two wait here, oh, and the class doesnt know that im your dad izu so you go by midoriya here" 

i nod and dad slips into the classroom, almost instantaneously i here a roar of yells coming from the students inside 

"dont worry, it'll be fine" kacchan says slipping his arms over my shoulders for a backwards hug

"i know... i just hope i can remember everything soon" 

"is it okay if they know you remember our relationship?" 

i nod "thats fine, as long as you're fine with it, i know you're the stubborn type..."

"you can enter now" dad pokes his head out the door and waves me and kacchan in

i look over to kacchan and he nods. i switch places with him so hes in front and im behind him and we enter the class.

its quite

when we get inside and stand next to dads desk up front some yellow haired boy looks like hes about to say something but a blue haired boy elbows him. 

"iida and denki?" i whisper to kacchan

he nods

"alright, i know you are all excited to have midoriya and bakugou back but we need to set some ground rules. but before that..." dad stops and looks at me all i do is nod, he must be asking if its still okat to tell them

"During his time with the lov, Midoriya was pushed for information by their leader, however their leader had a powerful quirk that would let him see inside Midoriyas mind and so in order to counter this and stop him from getting information Midoriya erased his own memories, so he has no memories of the last nine years..."

guess he still doesnt want the class to know about AFO.

the blue haired boy- iida raises his hand

"so he remembers nothing?"

"every now and then he regains a small memory but this is very strenuous on his body so, iida, i ask that for once you please excuse midoriya if you see him sleeping in class" 

i can tell iida doesn't like this idea but he stays quite and nods

"alright now that we have that taken care of, midoriya take your seat, since we still have and hour left in school and ive been gone for a while how about a.... pop quiz" dad smiles a evil look in his eyes as he grabs a stack of papers out of seemingly no where and starts handing them out.

almost immediately after getting his paper iida raises his hand

"sir, is this a mistake? this is a test about the abilities of pro heroes... and half of them are smaller heroes not even i have heard of.."

"if your going to be a hero its your job to know the abilities of those you are going to be working with in the future"

me and kacchan are the last to be handed the test before dad tells us to start

somehow....i already know all the answers to theses questions...could it be because the information in the notebooks stayed with me? or is it more memories?

i finish early and turn in the test before sitting back down and looking out the window, in the distance i could see a black cat sitting outside the ua gate and almost as if it could tell i was watching it it turned its head and looked right back up at me its emerald green eyes locking into mine.  eyes that looked like my mothers. inko... i could feel another memory surfacing, but i already knew this one wasnt going to be mine... this was going to be one of AFO's memories of my mom, and that is why i didnt resist it, maybe... just maybe this will help me find out why he killed her...

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