Chapter 17

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"todoroki...and.. dabi?!"

what? what where those two doing together? i mean their quirks are similar... wait... what if they're related? todoroki has mentioned he had a dead brother...what if that brother wasnt dead? WHAT IF THAT BROTHER WAS DABI!?!?!

"your as observant as ever, im guessing by the look on your face that you somehow figured it out already" dabi chuckled

"so.. you two will train me?" 

"sure, i mean we have what you are missing. you're a good fighter and all but you lack that polish, that agility and flexibility." todoroki said as he pulls a cookie out of nowhere and takes a bite

"then its decided, ill train katsuki and the todoroki brothers will train izuku"

"wait, i still have a question" kacchan says


"we might have to fight and train quirkless here but what about when we get to our world? we have to fight with our quirks there.."

"do worry to much about it, you'll figure it out when you get back" other aizawa smiled, it was a nezu style smile and i didnt like it one bit... it gave me the chills..

"alright! lets go!"

(insert cool training montage)

we trained for nearly a year, and in all that time kacchan never managed to beat other aizawa  once, he came close many times but was never able to do it... and today he will take the test once more... but little did i know, but today would be the day we would have to say goodbye to all of our new friends..

we were in the middle of one of kacchans tests when an explosion shook the building. thats when todoroki came running into the room

"nomu! nomu have broken into the base! we need to get those two out of here right now!"

other aizawa nods and then grabs us and drags us into the war room we saw on out first day here.

"i dont have time to explain but we need to get you back to your world now"  dabi says as he positions me and kacchan on a red x on the ground then takes his place one one side of the giant stone arch, todoroki gets on the other side and they both activate their fire quirk. the arch looks like its powering up when the wall on one side of the room gets ripped open. a giant nomu style dragon glares at the occupants that when i notice him. shigaraki stood atop the head of the dragon smiling, insanity swirled in his eyes.

"hurry up and get through the portal!" other aizawa screams at us but we were frozen in place. they were going to die if we left..

"we cant you'll die!" i yell back a him

"go! you have to Survive!!" other aizawa pushes me and kacchan into the portal i watch in horror as we fall through the portal and at the same time a black spikes rise from the ground... impaling everyone in the room. that was the last thing i saw before the light of the portal blinded me, ultimately rendering me unconscious.

(a/n i just wanna say sorry about making the time they spent in the other world so short, i was really lazy at this part and didnt have the patience to write very much about this relm)

i woke up falling.

me and kacchan were falling, i could see the city down below us, we were so far up that people looked no bigger than ants, but we were falling so fast the cityscape  was clearly visible after a couple of seconds and soon enough i could tell where we were going to land. there were cop cars surrounding a building. and we were going to land on one of these cars.

i grab onto kacchan who was still unconscious and position myself to take most of the damage from the fall. i land right on the top of one of the cop cars its sirens giving one last dying wail until fading out. i could hear people yelling around me but i couldn't focus, i probably broke most of the bones in my body... the pain was so great i was probably going to loose consciousness again... thats when i saw him... the aizawa of my world.. i was back.. i smiled and the void took its hold on me.


(thats gonna look so weird to phone users)

i woke up to the bright florescent light of a hospital room. this reminds me of the time i lost my memories... i move to sit up but my whole body screams in pain. doesn't seem like anything is broken anymore but everything still hurts... i turn and see kacchan sleeping in a hospital chair beside me. he had a couple of tiny cuts and bruises but seemed relatively fine.. i turn to look at the bedside table next to me and notice a phone with a note on it.

call me when you wake up

dad must have had to go on a mission or something... i grab the phone and dial dads number, in the distance i could hear a ringtone play, it was most likely a couple hallways down, almost immediately i could hear the sound of running. as it got closer dad slammed my door open with tears in his eyes


"hey dad" i smiled

the door slamming must have woken kacchan up because i could feel him hug me from behind.

"you can use your quirk now you know... this place isnt like there. you could have saved yourself the trouble..." kacchan whispered in my ear

"i know but... i wanna try and see how far i can get without using it" i whispered back as kacchan slid out of the hug and turned to the water dispenser in the corner of the room

"then ill do the same" he said filling a cup up

dad looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face but before he could say anything the doctor entered the room.


almost immediately i jumped out of bed at full speed at pinned the guy up against the wall by his throat

"izuku! what are you doing!?!" dad tried prying me away  from the doctor but i was stronger than i was before so i wasnt pulled away so easily.

"izu, is that him?" kacchan asked as he got to my side

"yeah" i growled

during our time in the other world i made sure to tell kacchan about everything that i could remember, so he knew about the doctor. and kaminari.

"why are you doing this izuku?" dad asked

"this guy works for AFO.." i answered

almost immediately the atmosphere in the room changes. i could feel anger radiate from dad. thats when i hear a faint beep. i look down at the doctors hand where he held a tiny red button. he was smirking at me as something breaks through the window.


i let go of the doctor to take care of the nomu

"wait! thats dangerous!" dad called

i didnt listen. the nomu's from the other world were much more fearsome. though this one was different from the others i had seen from this world... but no matter a nomu was a nomu..

i send a kick at its head and its goes flying into the wall. except for the spot where i kicked it there was barely a scratch on it... i growled at me before lunging at me, its fangs bared. thats when i realized that it looked like a tiny version of the nomu shigaraki was riding when he broke into the base..the memories of my friends dying in that world were still fresh and it made me angry.. kacchan tosses me a long dagger as i swing at it, narrowly missing its vital artery but still managing to get its windpipe. it tried to heal but it couldnt, i could tell this angered it. i quickly ran past me grabbed the doctor and flew back out of the window.


"we have a few things to talk about when i get out of here" i say facing dad once again, kacchan returning to my side.

he could tell something had changed in us our aura was more mature and serious...and kinda deadly... to me and kacchan we were gone for nearly a year. for dad who knows how long we've been gone...but in that single year so much in me and kacchan had changed...

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