Chapter 20 PART ONE END

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(Three years after erasure's death and five after izu's)

a young boy could be seen standing among the rubble where the first attack that lead to the down fall of the heroes happened.

he stood there silently crying

he was a young boy, no younger than maybe four and a half. he had white hair that almost reached to his shoulders and bright golden eyes. eyes filled with hope and determination, eyes that in times like these are a rarity

he stood in front of the corpse of a young teenage boy, it was an old one, it had probably been five years since the owner of that body died. he wore what seemed to be a hero costume and the remains of old flowers were scattered around him.

this boy was never forgotten by society, he was the first to fall, the first to give his life to stop AFO and while it still amounted to nothing, the boy still gave hope to those who had none. he was a legend among those who had survived the great hero purge.

the young boy dropped the flowers by the boys head, in the spot where he had gotten the fatal injury.

"Yoichi! get away from there!"

"coming father!"

i turn and run towards the man that called me. he looked different than the day  of the first attack. gone was the scars of battles of long ago and in its place was the face he once had in the past.

i held the hand of my father as we walked towards a huge tower that had been erected after the hero purge. it was the place where the man who destroyed this world lived. it was where i lived with my father. 

it was were i lived with the man that killed me five years ago.

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