Chapter 14

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this..was a recent memory... i could tell... i could tell because we were at the nomu storehouse, AFO was in his chair...and sitting right in front of him... talking to him... was denki...

denki is the ua traitor...

"what new Intel have you gotten?" AFO asks the blonde

denki takes out a paper and hands it to me (AFO)

i take the paper and read it, its the permission slip for the training camp.

this is how they knew..

"well done. we'll be able to get the target if we attack during this.." i could feel a smile creeping  onto AFO's face

"alright, you have what you want... now give me the quirk..." denki glared at the villain boss and i could feel AFO getting annoyed

"fine, come here boy"

denki got closer and AFO grabbed him by his head, i could feel a strange power rush flowing through AFO and into denki, when it stopped he let denki go who then collapses onto the floor gasping, small sparks flit around him for a second then stop

"you should be able to up your voltage without short circuiting now.. but you'll still have to fake it for a while, UA will get suspicious if you suddenly stop short circuiting, you'll have to make it look like you built up your tolerance with hard work"

denki nods, still in a daze and leaves

the memory stops there

i wake up in class to find everyone staring at me.


"midoriya and kaminari, my office. now." dad had a serious look in his eyes 

denki looked really nervous and i was just confused so i grabbed kacchan and dragged him along with me to dad's office

"you where talking in your sleep midoriya, i couldnt tell exactly what you were saying but it sounded like you where saying that kaminari is the ua traitor.." dad said as soon as he closed the door

i still have stuff i want to ask denki though.. if i reveal him now...

"yes...but no... i remember... when they were torturing me... they were talking about the ua traitor... i cant remember what they said exactly but i know they said that the real traior was thinking about recruiting denki.." i lied

i hate lying but i needed to talk to denki and i wouldnt be able to do that if they locked him up...

"i see... we'll just have to make sure we protect denki in case anything happens then.." dad waves us out and kacchan goes back to class but denki and i say we have to go to the bathroom.

almost the second im alone with him his personality takes a 180 

"how did you know?" he glares at me like he did AFO

"for some reason its not only my memories that i keep seeing, i also see the memories of AFO sometimes too" i explain

"so what memory did you see that gave me away?" 

"the time when you told him about the training camp, and the memory ended after he gave you the quirk" i said

"i see..."

"welp, im gonna get going now dont want to keep kacchan waiting!" i turn to leave but denki grabs my arm to stop me, in an instant i can feel my blood start to boil for no reason, i unconsciously activate y quirk and glare at him

"dont touch me" i growl and he actually looks kinda scared. he lets go and i leave like nothing happened

i need to be more careful when these weird mod swings happen...if dad or kacchan were to see one they might get really worried...

"midoriya my boy! how have you been!" a cheery voice calls out behind me

i turn and see kacchan and all might walking together

what are they doing together?

"young bakugou wants to try something, he thinks it might trigger some memories. would you mind coming with us?" all might smiles

"of course not! why wouldnt want to go somewhere with all might?" i feel like we know each other pretty well so maybe ill be able to get back whatever memories of all might i may have..

"good! good! follow me then!" 

i follow the two to an empty teachers lounge, where almost as soon as the door is closed and locked all might deflates

what the fudge just happened

"pfttt the look on your face just now! it was priceless!" kacchan bursts out laughing as i just stand there dumbfounded 

"i- wha- is- eh?!?!"

i stand there confused as kacchan rolls on the floor in laughter

it was kinda annoying, him laughing at me...


"one for all?" the word just pops into my head is it related to afo? 

all might looks at me with a slightly startled look on his face and kacchans face lights up.

"you remembered something!" kacchan walks over to me

"kinda...yes but-" i start but im cut off by a memory, im guessing this is the memory where i learned about whatever ofa is...

but its not what i was expecting

at first i get the normal memory of kacchan and all might explaining the quirk but then... one of afo's memories start as well... we were walking towards a cell of some sort it looked like and when we opened the door a man was inside, he was a young looking man but his weak demeanor and sickly look made him look older than he probably was, he had white hair much like afo's and i couldnt see his eyes

"brother, are you ready except that this is how the world is now?" afo's voice rumbled with a hatred but at the same time there was still love in his words, love for his brother.

"this isnt right" was all the man said

afo tried to engage in further conversation but the man ignored him this angered afo, he suddenly started moving towards the man then grabbed his head, a red sort of mist came from afo's hand as his brother started screaming at him to stop then he let go. the man collapsed on the ground as afo turned away

"i gave you a simple strength quirk, maybe that'll help you see the light" that was the last thing afo said before the memory disappeared.

so that must have been the creation of ofa... but... how did the brother find out about the passing ability?

"young midoriya?" all might was in front of me slightly shaking my shoulders and kacchan was behind him concern painted all over his face

"what happened while i was out?"

they dont answer me but i notice they are silently gazing somewhere else i turn my attention to where they are looking, its the windows or at least where the windows used to be... now it was just empty frames, the only indication that there once was windows was the shattered glass littering the staff room floor

"what?" i was confused how did the windows break?

"izuku!" dad bursts through the staff room door (how? it was locked..) he grabs me and quickly checks for any injuries

"im fine...whats with you?"

"well what do you expect me to think when i hear a boom and the sound of shattered glass coming from a room you just went into! what happened anyway? how did all these windows get shattered? was is you bakugou?...well....dont....i said.." dads voice seemed to get quieter and quieter and my vision started to swim

seriously? do i ever get a break? why me...

and once again (sigh) i pass out

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