Chapter 6

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its been the same for the past couple of days. the same dream over and over again. A strange man with white hair and a twisted grin. he just stood there in my dreams as if looking down on me pawn pawn pawn pawn  he repeated again and again the word echoing through my head filling my thoughts until i couldnt think no more. pawn... is that all i am in this world? someone's pawn... an expendable piece that had almost no meaning in the great scheme of things they were used then thrown away... 



a soothing voice called me out of my dream. it was calm, comforting, but with an urgency that quickly woke me up.


"hey nerd, you okay? you looked like you were having a bad dream" he looked at me with worry 

" fine" i say. it was both a lie and the truth

i was fine but as the memories of the bad dream faded i was left with a feeling of dread. something bad was going to happen soon...

"well...if you say so.. anyways we better get ready for school. its the sports festival today so we should get there early." kacchan half yells from the closet as he grabs our uniforms.

he tosses me mine and i quickly slip into it before heading downstairs for breakfast.

"morning little listeners, ready for the sports festival?"papa says with unbearably bright energy for the morning

i will never be able to understand morning people. i admit i used to be a morning person but after years of living with dad his night owl tendency's started rubbing off on me.

i tried rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as i grabbed a thermos of coffee from papa before hopping in the car. im sure ill be awake soon enough. when we got to school excitement was buzzing in the air as people from all around japan gathered in the school's stadium to watch the famous UA sport festival. i myself was pretty excited, i had seen many of the ua's sports festivals and i had even helped papa with the commentary a couple times but for the first time i was going to be participating in it. adrenaline pumped through my veins as we filled the stadium and midnight announced the first part would be a obstacle course. 

an obstacle course... its a great place for me to finally show off my other quirk. all i need to do is generate a quirk that matched each obstacle. i glanced at kacchan who was beside me, his muscles were tensed and ready to launch into action the second they said go. 

"3,2,1, begin!" 

with a bang  all the students were off and running but pretty soon they came to a halt. they had gotten themselves jammed in the tiny opening of the tunnel, i noticed a couple of people in my class had managed to get out but then i noticed a cold draft coming my way todoroki.. i jumped right in time as ice formed where my feet once were. if i had been even a second late i would be stuck in the ice.. i quickly rush out of the tunnel and nearly get crushed by a giant robot

holy s-

its the zero pointers from the entrance exams. fuddggggeeee. only then though do i realize everything had stopped. huh, i must have kept the time freeze quirk from the usj attack. nice it was rare that i got to keep a quirk in fact this was only the second time that i got to keep one. not knowing how long this would last i dash past the robots to find a kind of pit that todoroki had already started crossing when i froze time. it had pillars connected by tight ropes, from the looks of it one misstep and you were dead. it was pretty deep...

i wasnt allowed to use my capture scarf until the second part of the festival so that meant i had to generate another quirk. i unfreeze time and immediately generate another quirk wich would allow me to cross. i could hear papa yelling from the commentators box about how i seemingly teleported  past the robots, i also heard dad mumble something from next to him but i couldnt tell what.

wings. that was what i got, a pair of silky black wings sprouted from my back right as kacchan passed me. he looked at me in wonder and also a bit of confusion as i flew up. i felt a bit bad about hiding my survive quirk from him so i picked him up and flew over the fall obstacle 

"oi! what are you doing!?" kacchan started wiggling around which wasnt very good since i was carrying him by his shoulders

"stop moving!" i snap at him. he knew to listen to me when i used this tone of voice and immediately stopped moving

"ill explain after the second stage. we get a short break before we go to the third event" i say as i let him down at the end of the fall obstacle.

papa went crazy when i did this. never before had someone helped another competitor get ahead in the sports festival. the crowd went crazy at this too and i imagine todoroki was pretty salty about two of his main competitors working together. when we landed  todoroki was seconds behind us so he simply nodded at what i said about explaining and  kept running. i barely gave the wings time to disappear before i started running as well. during that time todoroki had managed to get ahead of me. the last obstacle.. a mine field. somehow todoroki caught up to kacchan and they were now fighting for first place. it was then that they encountered the first mine. nearly blowing themselves up. todoroki switched to a defensive plan carefully maneuvering around the mines whilst kacchan simply let them explode. he was used to explosions because of his quirk so they didnt effect him that much but i could still tell they were wearing him out. 

think... think... i quickly maneuvered through the mines like todoroki but they were still pretty far ahead of me. i had to pick up the pace.. and in my hast i managed to over look a mine causeing it to explode which then automatically triggered my survivor quirk once again activating my time freeze. it was pretty useful so i didnt mind using it a bunch but it was exhausting. luckily while time was frozen even if i stepped on a mine it wouldnt go off so i simply crossed the mine field normally before unfreezing time. i felt like it was a bit unfair that i could easily get past everyone using time freeze so i waited for kacchan and todoroki to get past the feild before i continued running. this whole time the crowd and papa were going crazy. for a second i glanced up at the commentators box papa and dad sat in and i could see a kind of smirk peaking through the bandages on dads face. the finish line was now in sight kacchan, todoroki, and i were neck and neck. at the very last second all three of us used a quirk to try and push ourselves into first place. todoroki came in third using his ice to push himself forward. i came in second using a simple physical ability boost quirk to slightly speed up and kacchan came in first using his explosions to fly ahead.

"great job kacchan!" i say bounding forward to hug the sweaty teen

i then turn to midnight as the rest of the students made their way past the finish line.

she then reveals that only the first forty-two students made it to the next round which is a Calvary battle. each student got a head band worth a different amount of points based on the place they took, and kacchan who won first place got a head band worth 10 million points. which was sure to make him and anyone on his team a prime target for the other teams.

"well shit"

im so sorry about the terrible quality chapters, im not the best at writing these kinds of scenes also all the chapters in the sports festival arch will be a bit shorter because i want to do in specific segments but it will get better after the sports festival arch is over. thats when things get juicy! and as always thanks for reading!

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