Part 2 Chapter 2

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"sorry baku-bro" kirishima chuckled awkwardly and rubbed his still spiky but now black hair

"YOU!- UGH! whatever.. hey, kid, whats your name?" kacchan turns to me

oh- crap- i forgot to think of a name

" i think he's mute, he hasnt said a single word since we found him and only responds in gestures" kiri says

"or he has a quirk like mine and is scared to talk" shinsou points out

huh, good idea shinsou

i point to the purplette

"so is that it? you have a voice quirk and is scared to talk because of it?" kacchan rumbles

i nod

luckily i actually do have a voice quirk, its called total control, basically whatever i say happens so, for example, if i were to say 'snow' it would snow or, if i were to tell someone to go kill themselves the would, get the idea, its pretty much a stronger version of shinsou's quirk except instead of just people, everything listens to me animals, the weather, the ground,  everything 

"here" shinsou comes up after rummaging around in a drawer of the desk that i was sitting by and hands me a notebook and pencil "write down your name, your age, and your quirk in that"

i nod and open the notebook, i was practically itching to use it, it was a blank canvas ready to be used..

Name: Kotoro 

Age: 15

Quirk: total control. whatever i say, happens 

"that explains it, i actually had a phase in middle school where i was scared to talk because i had convinced myself that just by saying anything to anyone i could brainwash them and i didnt want them to hate me..poor kid.." shinsou take the notebook and passes it to kacchan

"its fine kid, you can talk to us, just be careful about what you say, yeah?" kacchan gave me - or at least tried to- a comforting smile

i just wont activate the quirk until i want to use it because when ever it is being used i really cant control whether or not what i say becomes true and i dont really trust myself to not accidentally ay something bad-

"o-okay, thank you mister.."



i am thoroughly convinced that kacchan is only being nice to me because i remind him of me

okay, that sounded weird. what i meant was i look a lot like how i used to before i became yoichi and because of that kacchan is reflecting any feeling he had towards me before onto kotoro. not- not in that way though...kacchan...even if he knew it was me he still wouldn't date me or anything...because im in a kids body..

anyways, kacchan is a real dick to everyone, like even more of a dick than i remember. 

speaking of dicks

i got a text from AFO this morning asking about my progress. i simply told him that ' these foolish heroes have no idea that they are housing their worst enemies son right now, i cant wait to see the looks on their faces when they realize I've betrayed them'  it kinda worries me that i've gotten this good at acting like this... 

"oi! get up! its breakfast time!" kacchan bangs on the door to my room in the base and i slip away the tiny notebook i had been writing in

yes i know, typical deku, always writing in his notebooks! it the best thing i have right now to keep me sane. of all of ua there was only twenty survivors, four of them are teachers or heroes, five of them are from 1-A and one is from gen-ed. the other ten are random students either from the support course or there's a couple from the third year's hero course, but other than that, UA is all but gone...including dad...and there's no word on papa either..nobody ever saw him die or found his body but no one has seen him alive since the last attack on ua either..

i sigh and slip out of bed and gather myself before exiting my room and entering the dining hall

we all ate together at a long wooden table so we could ' maintain our sense of comradery as heroes' according to kacchan so her i am, i sit between the idiot ash blonde and shinsou, both of whom were extremely over protective of me. it was a bit of a tight squeeze between the two considering the table was meant for twenty people but i was a small kid so it wasn't too bad. other than me, kacchan, and shinsou;  momo, iida, todoroki, kirishima, thirteen,  hawks, endeavor (who somehow survived), and nezu sat on my side while the other ten ua students sat on the other. it was kinda strange seeing endeavor alive, i was so sure he would have died too that day but apparently shoto ended up saving him by finding him and cauterizing all his wounds before he could bleed out since endeavor himself couldn't do it since he no longer had his quirk, half the people here no longer had their quirks actually but still, they fought..

"oi, what are you mumbling about over there?"

"oh- i- was just wondering what it was like- the first battle..i was born that day after it ended so.."

" were born the day of the battle?" kacchan seemed strangely excited, i wonder what he's thinking?


that might complicate things...i look a lot like how i used to and i just told him i was born the day of the battle after it ended, after i had died..

he's gonna think im the reincarnation of me

i mean- he's kind of right?

"y-yeah, why?"

"nothing..just someone i knew died that day...i thought for a split second that maybe you were him" he chuckles "its a ridiculous thought..reincarnation is impossible without the help of a quirk.."

"w-what was his quirk?"

"it- it doesn't matter..he had it taken from him before he died so it wouldn't have made a difference.." kacchan says as he turns back to his scrambled eggs and picked at them with a fork until he had successfully separated a piece of spinach from the glob of cooked egg

"o-oh i mean deku?"

"those two were really close before deku died" shinsou says as he gets up with his now empty plate

by now most of the table was vacant as most had finished their breakfast and left. it was only me, kacchan, and endeavor now. the two people that were closest to me when i had died. i wanted to tell them..i really did but...

"hey...tell me the truth..." kacchan half whispered, his voice rough with emotion


"do you think...deku's sacrifice was worth it?"

"w-well... i dont know too much about the first b-battle as i said before..but i've heard a little bit a-about it..i think..that hero deku is probably satisfied w-with the way he died because he did it protecting t-the ones he loved right? a-and if that true then i t-think it was worth h-him at least" i smile

kacchan nods "you're right." he gives me a smile with a bit of a sad undertone before grabbing him plate and walking away

"so, are you not going to tell him?" endeavor says gruffly and he plops down in the seat next to me

it was strange seeing him without his signature flames surrounding him

"w-what do you mean endeavor-san?"

"i know you're actually aizawa, i could see it in your eyes when he suggested it for a question is how? i saw you die.." he grumbled

"im pretty sure i saw you die too, but here you are!" i smirked "but seriously though, after afo took my quirk and i realised i was about to die i dug around for any remaining sparks of my quirk and used it to seperate my soul from my body and doing so i was able to secure this body"

"hm, i see..well..i do think you should tell katsuki soo-"


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