Chapter 9

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(in sponge bob narrator voice) THREE HOURS LATER

"oh thank fucking GOD" 

everyone was exhausted and covered in dirt as we exited the forest and came face to face with  a smirking aizawa and pixie-bob

"you all did better than i thought you would" she says smiling

"you, you, you and you all did especially well" pixie-bob points to me,kacchan, iida, and todoroki "and you that little trick you did was pretty cool too" she says pointing to me once again

"alright everyone, unload the bus then eat and bathe. the real training starts tomorrow" dad says with a grin that i knew that after today the only thing we would know is hell...

the next morning it was as i imagined absolute hell... we were all forced to push our quirks to their limits. i had to focus on my survivor quirk since dad said he didn't want me stressing my erasure quirk to much after the quirk mutation incident. he had a various array of classmates attack me simultaneously and i had to create a new quirk to combat each attack so i had to create a new quirk about every five to ten seconds all while fighting without a break. this went on for a good eight hours before i was allowed a break. 

"good work izu, i want you to go assist with some of the other training's for a bit now." dad says handing me some water then going to go check on vlad's class

but who am i supposed to help? 

the day goes on and i check on each of my classmates helping them where they need improvement, i keep doing this until the sunsets it was then the class learned we had to make dinner on our own, luckily we had master chef kacchan with us. he could beat Gordon Ramsey in a cooking battle any day. we had todorokie take care of the fires while kacchan instructed the girls on techniques for chopping the ingredients.

i set the pots on the fires and added the water and boxed curry mix i instruct the boys to mix then we add the veggies and after a bit of stewing and kacchan's stamp of approval its ready to eat!

"ha! i bet class 1-A's cooking tastes like crap! we definitely have better food that you!" monoma smirks before taking a huge bite of class 1-b's curry

almost immediately monoma puckers up and spits his bite of curry out before downing a bowl of ours. kacchan takes a bowl of class 1-b's curry and tastes it before he too, spits it out. 

"what the fuck?!?! why is it so salty?!?!" kacchan aggressively walks over to class 1-b's pots and adds what looks like... vinegar?  some orange haired girl and class 1-b tries it and imediatly brightens up. its safe to say monoma didn't bother us for the rest of the day, he just sat as far away from us as he could while downing bowl after bowl of curry.

"hey everyone! i have an idea! what if we have a test of courage? class 1-A vs. class 1-B!" 


i am aware of the fact that this takes place on the third day of camp but fanfic logic...yayyy)

"yeah! lets do it!" monoma's yells could be heard for miles around

an hour later here we are, me and kacchan are waiting for our turn to go through the test, i guess class 1-b wasnt doing to bad considering there was a pretty decent scream every now and then.

it was then that i looked across the horizon to see the setting sun. wait...the sun isnt blue.. plus it already shit its dabi...i gotta find dad..

without a second thought or even telling kacchan anything i turn and run as fast as i could to find dad, he should be in the extra building with the students who didnt pass the exam...

"d- aizawa! emergency!" i run in slamming the door and screaming bloody murder

dad drops everything and runs out with me where somehow everything had escalated dramatically in the past thirdly seconds. the brilliant blue flames in the distance had grown even brighter, a yellow fog could be seen traveling through the forest, and several teachers and students were being attacked by villians

no no no no no no no

this cant be happening...

they're gonna take me...

i dont want to be a villain...

no no no no no no..

"hello midoriya" 

a terribly familiar gravely voice brings me out of my thoughts


"its time for you to come with us, and dont worry we'll bring your boyfriend too" shigaraki smirks as a look of horror crosses my face

i felt helpless, powerless, like i was back to that day... like i couldnt do anything.. i knew i was powerful, i knew i was strong, but still.. at that moment...

he just stood there smirking, why wasnt anyone helping? why wasnt anyone attacking the villain that stood in plain sight? where was dad?

"nobody is coming to help you. after all... they cant even see you" he smirks and waves around him

its was then that i noticed we were surrounded by some kind of translucent bubble, my guess is that it acted kinda like two way glass, we could see out but those out could not see in... i was stuck and shigaraki was more than capable of killing me in my current state... i had no choice..

"fine...i-ill go with you... just dont hurt kacchan... i... can make sure he cooperates.."

he smiles

a dark and twisted kind of smile, just like AFO's but i could see something hidden beneath it... a  storm of anger boiling away under his twisted facade of glee

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