Part 2 Chapter 5

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"yoichi? is something wrong? you usually never call.." 

"Its the heroes! they must of known i figured out where they were or something! they're- ACK!- They're attacking me! its hawks and dabi! they're alive! and- OH FUCK- DA-"

and with that i hung up

"you've gotten way to good at acting" 

"thanks kacchan, i pride myself on it, it is what's kept me alive all these years afterall" i smile

"alright, there's no time to spare, AFO is probably on his way as we speak, everyone needs to get in position!" dad was directing everyone from behind the scenes, he was going to take shoto with him to free the heroes that AFO kept captive while me, kacchan, dabi, and hawks tried to take down AFO. Nezu wasn't very good with high risk combat situations so he was staying behind at the new base monitoring the situation with the multitude of cameras he had set up in the area.

 "we need to make this as believable as possible for as long as we can, the second AFO finds out i'm on your side, its instant death, no holding back, because the only thing that will be holding him back is his concern for his 'son' and believe it or not he truly does care for me." i say as i undo the transformation into my older self and seat myself in a chair

"these are actual quirk cuffs that should be able to cancel all your quirks so you might feel a little strange after i put them on" nezu says as he cuffs me to the chair

it did feel strange... i felt...hollow..

"you okay deku?" kacchan asks as he suits up

"dont worry about me, you need to worry about being ready for when AFO shows up, he'll be here any second.." as i say this a red feather, one of keigo's flies into the room, the signal that AFO had been spotted within five miles of us

"be careful" i say as kacchan heads out

"i will"

it was just like that. quick. no goodbye. we couldn't bring ourselves to say goodbye because that meant we might never see each other again...for real this time.


It was quick to say the least.

Hawks, Dabi, and kacchan stood hidden until AFO found me then the three of us were to attack him all at once, no holds barred. i used a quirk to render myself unconscious until i felt AFO's presence within a couple of feet of my person then i would automatically wake up so it would make it more believable. Of course the plan had many flaws, this was AFO we're talking about, he was bound to notice something was up, we were just hoping that his rage over me being kidnapped would make him blind to our trap.

It did not

Despite him obviously knowing it was a trap he still went into the room. He still got me, even though he knew... he must have really loved he loved my that i think about it..i don't think i ever really did find out why he did what he did..

I knew something was wrong as soon as i woke up.

AFO was there, uncuffing me, i noticed a couple of rips in his suit and a small cut on his cheek. Then i realised something that made my stomach sink. This was supposed to be the que to why..

"you dont need to worry yoichi..i already took care of them.." he said as he scooped me up into his arms

i was small for my age, i always kinda wondered why considering i was a clone of AFO, i should be tall and broad but instead i was kinda short and had more of a lean muscular look rather than AFO's bulkiness, kind of like how i actually was as izuku. This made me wonder if my soul was somehow influencing the body i was in..anyways my small stature made it easy for AFO to pick me up like a toddler even as a 15 year old

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