Chapter 19

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I didn't waste any time. I dashed out the nearest window but dad stopped me with his capture scarf.

"let me go! i have to stop him!" i screech

"whats going on?" kacchan walking into the living room to see dad holding me in his capture scarf and me a screeching mess. thats when he sees the tv.

"mr. aizawa, please...let us go... we trained for this...this is what we've been waiting for..." kacchan tries his best to put on a cool demeanor but i could tell he was pissed. 

"if we can stop AFO now, we can stop shigaraki from getting AFO's quirk... then that future...then it wont have to let us go!" i feel the capture scarf loosen around me as dad caves in

"fine, but im going with you. having someone who can erase quirks will be useful..." he says

im reluctant to agree but i do. i had no choice, AFO was right in front of me, i wasnt going to let him escape...

we run upstairs and grab our spare hero costumes, i still dont have my hero license but dad said as long as i stay near him it should be fine. Dad, Kacchan, and I all head out, papa had to stay home because dad thinks with his type of quirk he'd just get injured if he went against AFO.

We quickly travel to Hosu where the news was showing where AFO was.

When we get there i stop dead in my tracks.

everywhere around me was destruction and at the center of it was AFO grinning, he was holding a woman that i had believed dead many years ago...

"inko?" i hear dad whisper to himself from beside me and i turn and see kacchan was crying too

so many emotion flow through me all at once confusion, anger, sadness, relief, my mom was alive...but he was in the hands of that fucking monster AFO...

my anger blinds me and turns my vision red.

"YOU BASTARD!!!" i charge towards him generating as many quirks as i possibly could at once

he throws my mom and charges at me as well his maniacal laugh filling the air. i hit him with a fire quirk and he dodges and suddenly appears behind me.

"you never had a chance izuku, all has gone according to plan. you fell right into the trap..." 

AFO grabs my head and i can suddenly feel all of his quirks the hundreds and hundreds of quirks that he's stolen from people over time... and that when i feel him activate this dark red angry looking quirk...and it felt like a part of my soul was being sucked out of me... my quirks... he was quirks... as the last one slips out of my body he throws me aside to deal with my dad and kacchan who were now charging at him.

"that was foolish of you boy.." i hear a hoarse voice beside me say

i turn and see the flaming, well not so flame-y any more trashcan endeavor.

"i had to try.." i could feel my consciousness slipping away as my vision started to darken. it felt cold...i know i hit my head pretty hard so i might be in a bit of trouble...i touch my hand to the back of my head and felt that my skull was completely caved inwards...there was no surviving that for me...not without my quirks... 

"hey kid! kid wake up! ki- ke up- k-"

endeavors voice faded out as the cold grip of death took its hold on me. this wasnt how i wanted it to end... desperately i searched for any sparks of my quirk left inside of me...i had to keep trying..there was only one tiny ember of my quirk left..i had to try...and for one last time...i activated my survive quirk... 

then all was quite

Aizawa's POV

"we need to retreat! Bakugou! get Izuku!" i dodge an attack from some sort of purple whip and start running thats when i see it.

Bakugou was crouched over Izuku's body. grief written all over his face




i run towards the tow and grab izuku. he was cold....

"come on we need to go!"

bakugou follows behind me as we retreat. maybe i could still save him...

maybe... just maybe....

















Two Years later

this place is a wasteland

izu and bakugou were right about the future they saw... and they were right about it being and alternate dimension also...because out future came so much sooner than it should have...

i took one last look at the pictures of izuku and bakugou on mantle before turning to the man who had just broken into our hideout.

"ready erasure head?"

i felt as the fifth finger of the white haired male made contact with my skin. it was a slow that he wished to give to all heros...i could only hope that somewhere out there there is a young hero...just like izu... that can stand up against these monsters...and save us all...

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