Chapter 15

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"what do you want now?" ill admit, im not normally like this but ever since i've started getting AFO's memories ive noticed a change in my personality.

afo sat in a chair, a worried look on his face. he sighed an looked at me

"look, i know the image everyone has of me is this big bad villain but... i know what i did was wrong..."


AFO the AFO is turning his back on his villainous ways? has the world turned upside down? did he somehow get hit with some sort of personality quirk? what is going on?

"i want your help... im going to turn myself in but... tomura.. he's still going to cause trouble... a while ago i got a future sight quirk.. and i saw the future they boy would cause..." AFO got out of his chair and walked towards me

"find me in real life after you wake up, bring the least amount of people possible... we need to prevent this future.." he touched my head and i felt myself start to stir awake

"i will"

thats when i realize it. my personality has been changing to one more like his after getting his memories...and just now... his personality had obviously changed as well... a cold pit forms in my stomach. he's getting my memories

which isnt that bad now that i think about ti since he's like this now but theres some really embarrassing things that he might see that i wouldn't wish upon anyone.


i wake up again in recovery girls office. Kacchan, dad, and papa where the only ones there. AFO's warning to bring the least amount of people possible echos in my head. these three will have to do.

"hurry up and change into your hero costumes, there's no time to waste ill explain on the way" i hop out of bed despite the three's protests. i run into the boy's locker room to change into my costume and find denki and shinsou making out. they split apart the second they notice me but i pay no attention, i grab my costume and quickly change, kacchan does the same knowing i must have a good reason.

"h-hey what going on?" denki notices the seriouse aura surounding the four of us

"whats going on?" shinsou asks noticing that even papa and dad looked a little flustered.

"fine, you two will have to come as well" i started tossing my gear on

denki and shinsou toss on their costumes as well and i lead them off school grounds

"alright, follow me, ill explain everything on the way there" the five of them nod

i start hopping from building to building, we didnt have time to worry about trains and cars.

"alright lets start at the beginning. when i was five years old my mother was killed by a villain. this villain was my step-father but he was also an incredibly notorious and powerful villain step father was AFO" i could tell the group tensed at this news i continued to explain everything and as i did my memories continued to flood back to me

"when i was kidnapped by AFO and the league they did it for a reason, they wanted to find out if i knew who All Might's successor was"

"all might's successor?" denki sounded confused

"yes, all might was one of the few people who could have defeated AFO thus that meant any personal student of all mights would most likely also be powerful enough to defeat the villain"

i could tell kacchan was grateful that i didnt mention OFA and his involvement.

"anyways, when i was kidnapped AFO was going to try and peer into my memories to find out who the successor was. that was why i erased my memories, to protect their identity. however, soon after this happened i realized something was wrong with my memories, i wasnt only getting my memories back.."

"you dont mean.." i could hear papa gasp in horror

"yes, i was getting AFO's memories as well, and i was being affected by them, i started acting more violent then usual, anyways, when i blacked out in the teachers lounge today it was because AFO was trying to talk to me. he can pull me into this sort of little dimension where its just him and i. he told me he was going to turn himself in thats when i realized he must be getting my memories just as i was getting his, his personality was changing as well.."

"that still doesnt tell us where we are going" dad was getting serious now that he realized what kind of situation this was

"we are going to get AFO" i said as i stopped in an alley way

"stay here" i pull a small device and hand it to dad

"when that beeps that mean you can come in"

"but-" kacchan starts

"no buts, i know whats happening, and its safer if i go in first"

"aizawa!" kacchan turns to dad to complain to him

"he has more experiance with AFO, i hate to say it but we should listen to izuku" dad nods

"good" but thats when i remember

i turn to denki

"does he know?" i ask nodding towards shinsou

he looks confused for a second before his eyes go wide and he shakes his head vigorously

"alright then, denki will be the only one accompanying me"

i head into the abandoned bar denki behind me

"what are you doing" he hisses

i swear this kid needs to make up his mind. the second hes away from the others his attitude takes a nose dive

"getting AFO" i say simply as i navigated the twisting maze of halls with ease, its strange its like ive been navigating these halls for years. but its probably just another side affect of the memories. we get to a large metal door eventually and i can feel denki shudder behind me.

he knows this is the door to AFO. i bust open the door to see AFO standing next to his chair holding what looks like a a photo. and his appearance has changed too. he's back to how he looked when he met mom. same suit and everything, he must have used some sort of appearance altering quirk.


"AFO, are you ready?" i ask

he simply nod. i was strange seeing the once fearsome villain act so tame. i generate a creation quirk with my survive quirk and create a pair of quirk cancelling handcuffs. i turn to put them on AFO but a split second before i could lock them into place AFO moves like lightning and grabs my head

"im sorry, but you and your little survive quirk would prove to be quite troublesome to me..." he lifts me up by my head and i press the button to alert the others that are waiting outside. not even a second later they burst into the room.

"its too late, you'll never see your saviors again" he smiles his bone and blood chilling smile and tosses me at kacchan and the split second i collided with my lover i could feel the two of us being sucked into some sort of void. that was the last thing i remember before loosing consciousness.

Survive!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang