Chapter 4

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It was dark, like a void of nothingness. there was everything but at the same time nothing. then with a flash of light a figure appeared before me, he had cold steel gray eyes, snow white hair, and a malicious smile...i couldn't shake the feeling that i knew him...but from where?

"w-who are y-ou" i managed to choke out

it was too much, the fear i felt when i saw this was like my body and mind were screaming at me to run...they knew he was bad... i couldn't move, couldn't breath, i could barley think. the fear crept in my mind and clouded my brain 

"aw you dont remember your dear old daddy? its fine... im the one that took your memories after all" he replied in a voice akin to dead leaves rattling  "i have come to return your forgotten memories...and a gift"

i walked toward me and panic took a hold of my heart, it felt like i was going to burst i couldnt handle this..the man put his hand on my head and as he did this strange memories filled my head, memories from when i was a child.. thats was killed by a villain....and that villain was my step dad... HE KILLED HER

all of a sudden the man disappeared and an intense pain filled my eyes, it was worst than when i got my quirk... i wanted it to end.. i would do anything for it to end..


i could here kacchans voice calling out to me as a small speck of light penetrated the abyss that i was trapped in, i reached toward it and it grew soon blinding me.

"ahhh!" i scream jolting upright in my bed

it was morning, sunlight was filtering through the blinds in mine and kacchan's shared room. i looked around to find a worried looking papa, kacchan, and dad looking at me as they surrounded my bed

"hey, you okay izu?" papa asked reaching out and putting his hand on my cheek

"i-im fine, just a bit shaken up... bad dream thats all..." i pant

"what was it about?" dad asks

it was then that an intense headache hit me

"i-i cant remember... but ill be fine.." i say pulling myself out of bed, i was still shaking and nearly fell when i tried to stand but kacchan caught me

"alright... but if anything else happens... tell me, even if its the middle of class... i still have that spare sleeping bag in the staff room"dad says getting up from my bed

"yeah, okay" i mumble as kacchan helped me stand

"alright, well be ready in a couple of minutes its almost time to leave"papa said as he and dad left the room

"you okay deku?" kacchan asked in a rare worried tone

"yeah, im fine just a bit shaken up... i cant remember why though..." i mumble

kacchan helped me for the rest of the morning, it took a while before i had my full strength again.

when we got to class i started feeling a bit drowsy but something soon woke me wide up.

"i am... coming through the door like a normal person!" all might yelled as he dashed throught the door

"whoa its all might!" the class yelled

"hello! i am your teacher for hero basics training class! please change into your hero costumes and meet me at ground b!" all might announces before disappearing again

me and kacchan quickly collect our hero costumes and change. when we get to ground b all might explains we will be having two on two battles. one team of two will be villains and the other two will the heros. the villain teams objective is to guard the nucular weapon hidden in a building and the hero teams objective is to get the weapon before time runs out.

Survive!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ