Chapter 2

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Aizawa pov

"so what happened back there?"

it was the end of the day and we had just gotten home

"we think his quirk manifested..." i mumble

"how would that cause him to be in pain?"

" i think his quirk is the same as mine... the same thing happened when my quirk manifested, intense pain behind the eyes then passing out after its gone... its not a pleasant experience that i would wish upon anyone, much less my own son.."

"i you know when he'll wake up?"

"soon, for now lets leave him be"

hizashi nods and we exit the room

izuku's pov 

i wake up to find myself back at home in bed, was it just a dream? i get out of bed and walk over to the mirror in my room. My eyes were red and had dark  bags under them, my hair seemed to float whats going on? its just like...

"izuku?" i turn and see dad in the door way a worried look on his face

"daddy! look i got my quirk! its just like yours! now i can be a hero just like you!"i say excited. "if you really want to be a hero that badly you can start training with my class, ill have to talk to nezu about it first though since you're only five" 

"thats fine! i just want to be a hero! just like you!" 

nine years later

"Izuku wake up! you're going to be late for the entrance exam!" dad yells up the stairs

i get out of bed and toss on a hoodie and some jeans, honestly i dont even need to take the exam, im just doin it for fun. i was pretty much raised at ua and nezu said i could have easily started at anytime but i wanted to be the same age as everyone else when i started so i waited, plus an old friend of mine is supposed to be applying to ua this year, that is if he hasent changed since he was a kid.

i run downstairs and papa hands me some toast 

"here, im taking you to the exams today since im going to be explaining the first part" 

i hop into the car and we head to ua. when we get there i walk to the building with papa and we talk for a bit before he has to go.

"alright izu, i have to take my place now. ill see you after the exams bye!" papa runs off to inside the building.

i stand there kind of awkwardly i was unsure if i should go in early or not... i didnt know anyone here...then all of a sudden a familiar voice calls an old nickname of mine

"deku?" i turn and see an ash blonde with red eyes, i nearly burst out crying at the sight of my old friend 


as soon as he could tell it was really me he runs up to me an hugs me. i was not expecting this, kacchan was never a really touchy touch person. once he pulls away from the hug  could tell it looked like he was about to cry but he quickly wipes his eyes.

"what where you doing with a pro hero?" he asks. he must have been referring to papa

"Oh! thats a long story but ill happily tell you after the exams! so wanna come to my place afterwards?" i ask 

"sure, let me just ask the old hag.." i says pulling out his phone 

"anyways, when your done with that we should head inside. you wanna get the seats in the back and if we dont hurry they're all going to be gone" i say grabbing kacchans wrist and pulling him inside

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