Ben and Tony Bear. Book 8. Ben learns to try.

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     It was a vey special day today, the hunt were coming to the big house and were going to go around the park following a trail.  Ben, Tony Bear, Mummy and Daddy arrived outside the park.  They parked the car with others and got Ben's special pushchair out of the car.  Ben climbed in.  Because Ben did not eat very much he often did not have the energy to walk long distances and he got tired very quickly. 

     Mummy wrapped his blanket around him and then put Tony Bear's safety strap on to keep Tony safe.  They then walked through the park to the meet. This was where all the horses and riders met with the hounds.  Ben got out of his pushchair when he got there and went right into the centre of the pack.  The hounds rubbed up against him and Ben patted them all as they put their wet noses up to him.  A couple of them even tried to jump up on him but Daddy pushed them down.  Ben was very small compared to the hounds.  

     Ben smiled at all the hounds as they gathered round. 

     " Hey Ben, " they panted one after the other.  " you walking round with  us today. " Ben nodded and smiled.  Word soon spread through the pack.    " Hey guys, Ben's coming round today. "  Hound  cheers went up around the pack.  " We' ll watch out for you Ben. " They all panted, as the Master blew his horn for them to find the trail that had been laid for them.

     Some of the horses stayed in a little pack together and waited for the hunt to start before the hounds found the trail.  They walked a little and stopped.  Ben sometimes listened to the horses chat.  And sometimes Tony Bear laughed for they did talk about some funny things.  But Ben did not always understand what they were on about and sometimes the riders talk got mixed up with the horses.

     Daddy, Mummy and Ben followed the horses and hounds from one little bit of wood to the next.

Sometimes deer would jump out of the woods and hares. Grouse and woodchucks would fly out too and sometimes muntjack deer but the hounds took no notice of any of them.  They followed the trail that had been laid for them. Sometimes they lost it as it got too wet and then they would find it again and rush onto the next bit of wood.

     On the way round the horses and riders would jump some of the jumps that had been put up for them.  Every time a horse made it over the people and horses would cheer.  All the horses had made all the jumps so far and no one had fallen off yet.  But there was a new jump in the park.  All the horses were talking about this new jump. It  was supposed to be a little difficult.  One of the horses was a little worried.  He did not like difficult jumps.  

     When they got to the jump the horses lined up and one by one they began to jump.  Then it was the worried horses turn.  He hung back a little but his owner tapped his sides with her feet.  He backed up a bit more.  

     " Come on, you can do this." Said his young rider.  Ben was sat in his pushchair not far away watching.  The horse needed a little bit of help.  Ben got out of his pushcair holding Tony Bear.  

     " You can do it." Shouted Tony Bear to him.  No one else except the animals and Ben could hear Tony Bear.  Ben jumped up and down, clapping and smiling.  The horse smiled at Tony Bear and Ben. He could do it.  The horse took a long run up and leapt.  He flew through the air.  

     His front feet caught on the top bar and down he went with a bang.

     For a moment he lay there, a little winded. His rider stood up and then some others helped him up.  Ben clapped happily relieved.  " He nearly made it. " Said Tony with a smile.  

     The other horses though that had not yet jumped whinnied and laughed.

     " What a terrible jumper." Said some. " We've seen sheep that jumped better than that. " Said others.  The poor horse hung his head, he was so ashamed.  Ben stood beside them and stamped his foot in anger at them.  There was no reason why they should laugh.  The horses ignored Ben and Tony, and walked off round to the front of the jump.  

     Norman the horse came up to make sure the youngster was alright.

     " You should not laugh." He told them all off. " At least he had a try. You lot have just walked round it and not even bothered."   The horses all went silent and hung their heads now.  Norman was very well respected by the others. " It is better to have tried than have not tried at all."  Norman was right they should not have laughed.  One by one as they went past Norman and the young horse, they all said sorry.   As Ben, Mummy and Daddy came up to them,  Norman and the other horse said thankyou to Ben and Tony Bear for the encouragement.  Ben patted the horses noses.  

     " Anytime. " Said Tony Bear.

     " The hounds are heading down to the gate. " Said Daddy. " Time to get you two back in the car. " He said to Mummy and Ben.  " I will follow on foot."  

     The rest of the day went pretty fast.  They went from one wood to the next.  The hounds would go past them now and then and pant hello as they went.  They were all enjoying themselves following the trail.

     When the hunt finished the hounds and horses all said goodbye to Ben and Tony Bear.  Mummy and Daddy got Ben back in the car and went to the shop.  They had to get some food for tea.  They stopped off at the little supermarket and Ben walked round the store with Tony Bear in his hand.  Mummy and Daddy looked at the chilled cakes.  Mummy picked up a pack of two cheese cakes.  Ben picked up a pack of his favorite milky bar desserts, then he did something very strange for him.  Ben went and looked at the other deserts.

     " Are you going to choose something different?" Asked Tony Bear.  Ben looked down at him.  Ben was not too certain about what he was doing.  He looked up at all the different deserts on the shelf.  There were so many.  Ben started to bang his chest and shake his head.  There were too many to choose from.  " Ben, Ben. " Said Tony Bear.  " It's okay. " Ben stopped shaking his head and banging his chest. " It's okay.  Remember what Norman said today about trying.  It is better to have tried than not tried at all."  Ben looked down at Tony Bear.  Tony was right.  Ben looked at the desserts and then picked up one that he thought looked nice. It was a Rolo dessert.

     Mummy nudged Daddy's arm as Ben came back down the aisle holding the dessert in his hand.  He looked at it once more then put it in the basket.  Mummy smiled at Daddy,  and Daddy smiled back.  Ben had chosen something new.

     When they all got home Daddy got the tea ready while Mummy sorted out Ben and got him settled indoors. Then she went and helped Daddy with the tea.  At five thirty Mummy called Ben down for his tea.  On the table was the Milkybar dessert and the Rolo one.  Mummy fed Ben first.  He ate some of each of the Milky bar desserts.  Mummy praised him up.

     " Good boy Ben. Good eating."  Then she waited.  " Would you like any more Ben? "  Ben looked at the dessert on the table.  

     " Go on Ben. " Whispered Tony. " You can do it. "  Ben reached over and picked up the dessert and gave it to Mummy.  Mummy opened the lid and showed Ben the dessert.  Mummy got a tablespoonful out and moved it to Ben's mouth.  " Go Ben. " Said Tony Bear. Ben smiled and opened his mouth.  Mummy put the spoonful in and Ben moved it around in his mouth with his tongue and swallowed.

    It tasted good.  Ben smiled.  " Way to go Ben." Said Mummy and Daddy. " Good boy trying something new. "  Daddy patted his head and hugged him. " Good eating Ben, good boy."   

      " Well done Ben. " Said Tony Bear.  Ben smiled down at him.  He was very proud of himself.  Norman the horse had been right.  It was better to have tried than have not tried at all.

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